AECCafe Voice ![]() Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More » IMAGINiT’s Space Programming Module Add-On, Steered by Covid-19, Aims to Repurpose Architectural SpacesOctober 7th, 2021 by Susan Smith
This week at Autodesk University 2021 (Virtual) IMAGINiT Technologies showed off their new task automation Space Programming Module add-on for IMAGINiT Clarity that tackles common space planning challenges that firms face on complex architectural projects. In addition to this optional, add-on module, the new 2022.1 version of IMAGINiT Clarity also now features a variety of tools that enhance integrations and model metrics for Autodesk Revit and AutoCAD users.
Matt Mason, director, Software Development at IMAGINiT, said that the new Space Programming Module is the direct result of Covid-19 and the need to repurpose spaces architecturally, coupled with their customers’ needs. The module is added on top of Clarity and standardizing up through the concept through to the project lifecycle stage in Revit, before the building is handed over to construction. This information is usually stored in Excel, according to Mason. “In most firms it’s thrown over the wall to designers to make space planning work in a footprint that’s allowed,” said Mason. “We’re trying to improve on that process by bringing things into a common data environment in space programming working in Revit, and tying back into space programming. You might say the classroom needs to be 250 square feet and some are 45 and some are 60. You might draw attention to the fact that the classroom is not within a hundred yards of a restroom. In the hospital every patient room has to be within a certain distance of a nurses’ station. This is not just best practices but is required. How does the design match the program that was worked out? Something like an operating room needs hundreds of pieces of equipment that must be designed into the space, i.e. power outlets, beds, etc. Is everything that needs to be in this room in this room? If not, let us help you add it, or take out what doesn’t need to be there.” Before Covid-19, developers would schedule releases of their products for the November Autodesk University, but this year the event was held this past week, meaning they had to move up their release date. Covid drove the release of the Space Planning Module, along with three Clarity customers who found out they were all interested in us moving into this space. “They banded together and funded the initial development and steered what this product need to be,” said Mason. “Firms unusually pitched in a third of the fund for development of a large application they wanted to see. They are doing more reworking of existing spaces, as well as new spaces as well.” “I’m really excited to see programmed data added to Clarity,” stated William Carney, design technology leader and principal, DLR Group. “To me, this was always the missing piece in an already powerful data and automation tool. The Clarity team has done a great job providing a flexible data management solution for projects, from planning stages through building operation, that offers time-saving solutions through automation. I think the ease of working with Excel will appeal to many of our experienced planners and break many of the data silos our design teams face.” According to company materials, IMAGINiT Clarity’s new Space Programming Module automates the traditionally inefficient and manual early-stage planning and programming process into a streamlined workflow. The Space Programming Module seamlessly integrates the pre-design space planning work into the Revit model with innovative import tools and powerful APIs, all via Clarity. This new unified workflow accelerates design creation, improves design verification, and reduces the redundancies and errors that occur when manually inputting Excel-based room, furniture, and other space-related data into the building information model. IMAGINiT Clarity 2022.1 supports Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Revit Server 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. This latest release offers BIM coordinators and planners improved building information model (BIM) integrity and collaboration with integration, Autodesk AutoCAD and metric enhancements including:
Besides their appearance at Autodesk University 2021, IMAGINiT is also offering an exclusive 60-minute webinar with Matt Mason, director of software solutions at IMAGINiT Technologies, on October 21 at 1:00PM Eastern. This webinar will unpack each of the newest Clarity features, including how the new Space Planning Module solves real functionality and critical time challenges with organized, repeatable workflows. Attendance is free, but registration is required. Tags: 3D, AEC, architects, architecture, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Autodesk Revit, BIM, building design, building information modeling, CAD, collaboration, construction, covid-19, design, digital twin, facilities management, Revit, visualization Categories: 2D, AEC, AECCafe, architecture, AutoCAD, Autodesk, BIM, building information modeling, civil information modeling, Cloud, collaboration, construction, field, IMAGINiT, project management, sustainable design, visualization |