Archive for the ‘collaboration’ Category
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Happy New Year!
Before the holidays I sent out a call for industry predictions for this year. So far, we have received a number of responses. This may mean that I need to extend this into a multiple part blog. Please get your submissions to me asap so they can be included.
Tags: 3D, 3D cities, AEC, architects, architecture, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Autodesk Revit, Bentley Systems, building, building design, building information modeling, CAD, Cloud, collaboration, construction, engineering, engineers, generative design, infrastructure, laser scanning, mobile, reality capture, Trimble, visualization Comments Off on Call for AEC Industry Predictions for 2019!
Thursday, December 20th, 2018
2018 brought with it the realization and development of various technologies that will serve to move the AEC industry forward and in some cases, serve the concept of digital cities more widely. Digital Twin technology has emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the coming years.
Voluntary Architects Network
Tags: 3D, 3D cities, 3D printing, AEC, architects, architecture, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Bentley Systems, BIM, building design, building information modeling, CAD, climate change, collaboration, construction, design, engineering, engineers, infrastructure, mobile, Open BIM, point clouds, printers, reality capture, Revit, SolidWorks Comments Off on AECCafe Year In Review 2018
Thursday, December 6th, 2018
While technology purchases take place all year round for AEC organizations and users, listed here are some ideas for products you might want to put on your wish list.
Tags: 3D, 3D printing, AEC, architecture, building, building design, building information modeling, CAD, collaboration, construction, design, laser scanning, point clouds, printers, reality capture, visualization Comments Off on AECCafe’s Holiday Technology Wish List 2018
Friday, November 23rd, 2018
Dr. Horst Kayser, chief strategy officer, Siemens AG, presented a keynote in London at the Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2018 conference in October on the position of Siemens in the world of business. Siemens has gone from a PLM company to software company, and is now rated number two in its space, just behind SAP. It is the largest industrial manufacturing company in European industry, with a focus in the areas of Energy, Healthcare, and Infrastructure & Cities.
Tags: 3D, AEC, architects, architecture, Bentley Systems, BIM, building design, building information modeling, CAD, collaboration, construction, design, engineering, engineers, infrastructure, laser scanning, reality capture Comments Off on Co-Venturing Defines Bentley Partners
Thursday, November 15th, 2018
AECCafe Voice spoke with Lisa Cali, Senior Product Manager, IndoorViewer about NavVis’s latest software upgrade to their web-based application NavVis IndoorViewer. A provider of indoor spatial intelligence technology, NavVis is now able to automatically convert E57 point cloud files into interactive, realistic 360° walkthroughs, with the latest software upgrade to IndoorViewer.
NavVis IndoorViewer Upgrade Automatically Renders 360° Immersive Imagery from E57 Point Clouds. Top photo: E57 point cloud file, captured by a static laser scanner Bottom photo: E57 point cloud file automatically converted into an immersive 360° walkthrough in NavVis IndoorViewer
Tags: 3D, AEC, architects, architecture, building design, building information modeling, CAD, laser scanning, point clouds, reality capture, visualization Comments Off on NavVis IndoorViewer Upgrade Automatically Renders 360° Immersive Imagery from E57 Point Clouds
Thursday, November 1st, 2018
AECCafe will focus on specific editorial for 2019, so be sure to check in with our Editorial Calendar to find out when might be a good time for your story to be shown. Throughout the year, we provide space for Current Events, as the technology industry is evolving, and we can’t know at the time of this writing just what will be new, groundbreaking and/or disruptive in the coming year.
Tags: 3D cities, AEC, architects, architecture, Autodesk, Bentley Systems, BIM, building, building design, building information modeling, CAD, climate change, collaboration, construction, engineering, engineers, Graphisoft, laser scanning, mobile, point clouds, reality capture, Viewpoint, visualization Comments Off on AECCafe Editorial Calendar 2019
Thursday, October 25th, 2018
The Bentley Year In Infrastructure Conference held in London this year at the Hilton London Metropole attracted over 1,200 attendees, a record number for that location and event. The company advanced its theme of “Going Digital” with the inauguration of Digital Twins and iTwin Services. iTwin Services are digital twin cloud services for infrastructure projects and assets, that can be transparently provisioned within Bentley’s Connected Data Environment (CDE) for ProjectWise and AssetWise users.
Bentley Year In Infrastructure 2018 Awards Ceremony and Dinner
Tags: 3D, 3D cities, AEC, architects, architecture, Bentley Systems, BIM, building design, building information modeling, Cloud, collaboration, construction, design, engineering, generative design, infrastructure, laser scanning, Open BIM, point clouds, visualization Comments Off on Going Open and Digital Twin Cloud Services Shape Bentley Year In Infrastructure 2018
Monday, October 15th, 2018
Every year the Bentley Systems’ Year in Infrastructure conference showcases finalists in their Year in Infrastructure competition. The event highlights the company’s prestigious Year in Infrastructure Awards, where finalists in 19 categories present their most innovative projects of the past year and describe how they were able to solve real-world challenges using Bentley applications. The winners will be announced at a special ceremony and gala on Oct. 18.
Image courtesy of CCCC Water Transportation Consultants, Ltd.
Tags: 3D, AEC, architects, architecture, Bentley Systems, building, building design, building information modeling, collaboration, construction, engineering, generative design, infrastructure, Open BIM, point clouds, reality capture, visualization Comments Off on Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2018 Conference Features Year in Infrastructure Finalists’ Best Practices, Real-World Implementations, and State-of-the-Art Technologies
Thursday, October 11th, 2018
Matt Kochanowski, product manager, Professional Imaging, Epson America, Inc. spoke with AECCafe Voice about the newest of their SureColor T-Series printers.
SureColor T3470
Tags: 3D, AEC, architects, architecture, BIM, building, building design, building information modeling, CAD, collaboration, construction, design, engineering, engineers, Epson, infrastructure, mobile, printing Comments Off on Epson SureColor T-Series Adds Models for Small-to-Mid-Size CAD or GIS Offices