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Archive for the ‘holograms’ Category

AECCafe at Bentley Year in Infrastructure 2017

Thursday, October 5th, 2017

Each year Bentley holds its thought leadership Year in Infrastructure 2017  Conference of  leading executives from around the globe, featuring state-of-the-art projects  in the world of infrastructure design, construction, and operations. This year AECCafe will travel to Singapore for the event, as Singapore has demonstrated cutting edge application of technologies for all the above industry segments.

Bentley users attend an informative discussion on industry trends.


HP Announces New HP Z VR Backpack and Mars Home Planet for Virtual Reality

Thursday, August 3rd, 2017

In a webinar prior to announcement this Tuesday, HP executives talked about the exciting new approach and commercial solutions for virtual reality (VR). As part of this strategy, the company has unveiled what appears to be the first professional wearable VR PC – the new HP Z VR Backpack. Crafted to bring the full potential of VR to-life, it is designed to be a secure and manageable wearable VR PC.

HP Z VR Backpack used for training purposes.


2016 in Review Through AECCafe Stories

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016

No one would contest the fact that 2016 has been a tumultuous year, with lots of shifts worldwide and many disruptive technologies coming onboard.

Oak-paneled Auditorium inside the Aliyev Center - photo by Helene Binet

Oak-paneled Auditorium inside the Aliyev Center – photo by Helene Binet


From the Exhibit Floor: AIA Convention 2016

Thursday, May 26th, 2016

At the AIA Convention 2016 held in Philadelphia last week, the Exhibit Hall showcased software, hardware and all types of building materials.

Emphasis for AEC technology this year is on reality capture or modeling, building information modeling, zero carbon energy initiatives, conceptual modeling and the inclusion of metadata in projects.

Building Exterior

Bring your stories to life in animated 3D environments, rich with wind-swept plants, seasonal trees, rolling clouds, rippling water, deep shadows and beautiful light.


From the Exhibit Hall: SPAR3D 2016

Wednesday, April 27th, 2016

Those I spoke to at SPAR3D 2016 last week were amazed at the progress the 3D laser scanning/reality capture products had made over just one year. Many people attended in order to find out if the technology would be right for their organization and what it would entail in terms of a learning curve, and of course, how much it would cost.

SPAR 3D scanning mobile unit from Surphaser

SPAR 3D scanning mobile unit from Surphaser


SPAR3D 2016 Shows Off 3D Mixed Realities

Thursday, April 14th, 2016

The four morning keynotes kicking off SPAR3D 2016 in The Woodlands, Texas, Tuesday morning included Eddie Paddock, Engineering/VR Technical Discipline lead, NASA Johnson Space Center, Greg Bentley, CEO Bentley Systems, Inc., David Smith, CTO, Wearality, and Curtis Chan, technical evangelist, Autodesk.

Google Cardboard

Google Cardboard


The Next Desktop Printer: Holograms?

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Mike Masters, chief marketing officer of Zebra Imaging, spoke about Zebra Imaging’s service of providing holograms for the architectural industry. Architects are looking for the interaction that is the easiest way for them to show things and manipulate them on the fly.

IMG_7658-1 (more…)

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