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Posts Tagged ‘TurboSite’

Future plans for IMSI/Design include wearable Google Glass computer and TurboSite

Friday, June 21st, 2013

IMSI/Design announced at the 2013 AIA National Convention that TurboSite will be available for Google Glass when the innovative smart device is launched later this year.

Google Glass for site evaluation to be combined with IMSI/Design’s TurboSite for field reporting.

The combination of Google Glass for site evaluation and TurboSite, a field reporting app, will be a great one. Users will be able to do site inspections without having to carry building plans, digital camera, laptop and other accoutrements.

“Using Google Glass and TurboSite, we’re literally letting someone to walk onto a job site carrying absolutely nothing,” said Royal Farros, company CEO.


Beyond the desktop with IMSI/Design’s TurboSite and free TurboSite Reader for iPad

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

IMSI/Design announced TurboSite and free TurboSite Reader for iPad in November. I spoke to Bob Mayer about this release at Autodesk University.

TurboSite is a field and site survey mobile app that facilitates drawing in the field and geolocation using a GPS on an iPad. It also has an indoor sensor based positioning system which tracks your position indoors.

Royal Farros, CEO of IMSI/Design, said: “TurboSite is the first true mobile AEC app… a professional building app that can’t be done on a desktop or laptop computer.”

This product eliminates the need for laptops, full sets of building plans, table and chairs and digital cameras that were all a part of the site visit process in the past. The information gathering is also simplified by having this app on the iPad where all building plans can be electronically viewed and navigated with the touch screen.

According to the press release, GeoWalk tracks location within a structure, while GeoNudge pinpoints exact location. When documentation is required, a photo or video is taken using iPad’s built-in camera and is automatically positioned correctly in a separate layer over the electronic file. Text notes and audio annotations can also be added. Even your orientation when taking notes and photos is denoted by TurboSite’s unique GeoMarks. GeoMarks offers a collection of rich data that are geolocated, according to Mayer. This can includes audio, notes, photos, dictation, and many other data types.


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