Archive for January 27th, 2012
Friday, January 27th, 2012
Fiatech’s 2012 Conference Program Committee is developing a particularly strong set of presentations, which we are confident will provide you significant value from the sharing of advancements, developments and demonstrations of leading technologies and processes. We are pleased to announce our outstanding Keynote Speakers for this year’s conference.
REGISTER HERE, early bird ends February 6, 2012!
Monday, April 2
Matthew May Founder Shibumi Creative Works |
Elegant Solutions: Rules to Innovate By
The business world is waking up to the fact that innovation is taking on a new shape, and that simply flooding the market with overblown and overbuilt new products is not the answer. They know that what’s next is all about being nimble, agile and flexible in creating compelling customer value, flowing that value through streamlined processes and seamless experiences void of burden and waste, and embedding a real discipline around the daily pursuit of better in service of the customer. In this talk, Matthew E. May will illustrate the 3 principles and 10 key practices that foster a culture of cross-company innovation, inspiring managers to unleash the human creativity of every individual in the organization, while providing the knowledge needed to design idea systems and structures that avoid the typical downfalls of traditional approaches. Examples drawn from a number of companies and organizations point out the do’s and don’ts, must-haves and nice-to-do’s.
Tuesday, April 3
Anirban Basu Chairman & Chief Executive Officer Sage Policy Group
The Dog Ate My Home
Mr. Basu’s presentation will focus on the economy’s nascent economic expansion and its sustainability. Special attention shall be given to the performance of the global economy, the local and U.S. economies, regional economies throughout the U.S., financial markets, labor markets, real estate and other salient aspects of the economic environment. The speaker will also discuss the state of the small business environment as well as the role of small businesses in the recovery. Finally, the speaker will provide an economic outlook for the year to come on both a national and local level.
Wednesday, April 4
Thomas Frey Executive Director DaVinci Institute Sponsored by Bentley |
The Future of Innovation and the Converging Forces of Change
People make decisions today based on their interpretation of what the future holds. That’s why we say “the future creates the present.” This is just the opposite of what most people think—that what we’re doing today is going to create the future. In reality, the image that people have in their heads today of what the future holds will determine their actions. So if we change people’s visions of the future, we change the way they make decisions, today.
We are seeing a number of converging forces that will both rewrite the rules of business and redefine the world of innovation. Smartphone apps have exploded onto the scene creating a nexus for physical products vs digital products. At the same time, the same devices are driving an “awareness revolution” creating ongoing conflicts between privacy and transparency. Crowdfunding is on the verge of taking on the banking industry. Traditional colleges are being undermined with online education. And Baby-Boomers are beginning to shed many of their physical possessions as they prepare for their retirement, and a new generation with different values will be assuming power. So where will the creative minds of tomorrow take us?
At the heart of all these changes is an increasingly untethered society, finding new ways to make connections in a fluid ocean of ideas and talent that meet the hyper-individualized needs of the people creating our future. The businesses of tomorrow will be defined far more by the journey they’ve taken than the facilities they exist in. |
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