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 The AEC Lens
Alex Carrick, Chief Economist at ConstructConnect
Alex Carrick, Chief Economist at ConstructConnect
Alex Carrick is Chief Economist for ConstructConnect. He is a frequent contributor to the Daily Commercial News and the Journal of Commerce. He has delivered presentations throughout North America on the Canadian, United States and world construction outlooks. A trusted and often-quoted source for … More »

New Industry Snapshot dated February 2018 and based on January starts stats

February 15th, 2018 by Alex Carrick, Chief Economist at ConstructConnect

Article source: ConstructConnect

ConstructConnect announced today that January’s volume of construction starts, excluding residential activity, was $29.3 billion. The fact that some of the monthly starts numbers can display wild swings is confirmed by the following. January 2018’s volume of starts relative to December 2017’s level was +35.8%; but January 2018 compared with January 2017 was -22.6%.


The outsized percentage changes resulted from December 2017 being abnormally low ($21.6 billion) and January 2017 being inordinately high ($37.9 billion). Usually, it’s the presence or absence of a mega project or two that causes the monthly number to display extreme volatility.

Comparing January of this year with the annual average for January from the preceding five years, 2013 to 2017, − i.e., employing a ‘smoothing’ technique, − yields an increase of +9.7%.

The starts figures throughout this report are not seasonally adjusted (NSA). Nor are they altered for inflation. They are expressed in what are termed ‘current’ as opposed to ‘constant’ dollars.

View this information as an infographic.

‘Nonresidential building’ plus ‘engineering/civil’ work accounts for a larger share of total construction than residential activity. The former’s combined proportion of total put-in-place construction in the Census Bureau’s December report was 59%; the latter’s was 41%.

ConstructConnect’s construction starts are leading indicators for the Census Bureau’s capital investment or put-in-place series. Also, the reporting period for starts (i.e., January 2018) is one month ahead of the reporting period for the investment series (i.e., December 2017.)

During the past three months, the U.S. construction sector has set a blistering pace of jobs growth: November 2017, +42,000; December 2017, +33,000; and January 2018, +36,000. The cumulative climb in onsite employment during that time frame has been +111,000 jobs. The gain of +111,000 has been the second best performance over three months since the Great Recession. Only the October to December period of 2015 was better, at +134,000 jobs.

According to the latest Employment Situation report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the U.S. construction sector is generating jobs at a year-over-year pace that is more than twice as fast as what the whole economy is managing, +3.3% versus +1.5%. In a ranking of sectors, construction’s employment performance (+3.3%) is in first place, with ‘transportation and warehousing’ (+2.9%) in second. Construction’s NSA unemployment rate in January 2018 was 7.3%, which is low for winter. Twelve months earlier, in January 2017, it had been 9.4%.

The year-over-year staffing advance at architectural and engineering firms engaged in designing structures – i.e., their work is out-front of field assembly − was also strong in January, +3.0%. Additionally, the BLS provides jobs data for two other segments of the economy with close ties to construction: ‘real estate’ and ‘building material stores’. Both also achieved jobs growth (+1.8% and +2.6% respectively) in January that exceeded the all-positions average (+1.5%).

January 2018’s greater than one-third (+35.8%) rise in total nonresidential starts month to month (m/m) originated inthe heavy engineering/civil (+72.4%) and institutional (+57.7%) type-of-structure subcategories. Industrial (0.0%) stayed flat while commercial (-7.3%) fell to a relatively minor degree.

January’s more than one-fifth decline (-22.6%) in total nonresidential starts year over year (y/y) was due to weakness in all four of the major type-of-structure subcategories. Industrial (-89.2%) retreated the most, followed by commercial (-27.4%). The losses suffered by institutional (-9.8%) and heavy engineering/civil (-9.7%) were almost the same.

For every month of the year except January, the commentary in this report would normally go on to consider year-to-date results. January is unique, however, in that its statistics and year-to-date findings are one and the same. Therefore, the following will discuss both m/m and y/y performances among disaggregated market segments. Also keep in mind that January is too early in the year to leap to too many conclusions about such matters as shifting market shares.

‘Road and highwy’ initiations are usually the biggest component of overall engineering starts. In January 2018, such street starts were outstanding m/m (+75.9%), but lackluster y/y (-0.5%). ‘Water/sewage’ is also traditionally an important cog in engineering and in the latest month, its starts volume was an upbeat +39.6% m/m, but a dismal -62.2% y/y.

Also note that within engineering in the latest January there were exceptionally perky results for ‘airports’ (+389.9% m/m and +344.2% y/y) and ‘miscellaneous civil’ (+285.5% m/m and +176.5% y/y). The latter includes power generation and oil and natural gas pipeline work.

‘Schools/colleges’ is almost always the biggest market niche within institutional. In January, starts on academic facilities were +22.5% m/m, but -28.1% y/y. The ‘hospital/clinic’ designation also plays a prominent role in institutional construction. The latest results for groundbreakings on medical facilities were an impressive +204.7% m/m, but a more modest +11.6% y/y.

Within commercial, there is often considerable diversity as to which of several ensemble members will take its turn in the spotlight. At this present moment, ‘hotel/motel’ starts are +51.1% m/m and +11.9% y/y. ‘Retail/shopping’ is +60.4% m/m, but -1.3% y/y. And ‘private office building’ starts are way ahead m/m (+75.4%), but are lagging badly y/y (-59.9%).

The six graphs show 12-month moving average trend lines of starts for many of the major type-of-construction subcategories. There have been more slopes that have been falling recently rather than rising. Among the structure types taking descending paths have been ‘retail’, ‘private office buildings’, ‘schools’ and ‘water/sewage’. There have also been a couple, however, displaying sharp upwards turns – ‘miscellaneous civil (i.e., power and energy)’ and ‘bridges’.

Included in the BLS Employment Situation report are two tables on workplace compensation levels which analysts scour for evidence of quickly rising wages, since such a turn of events may forewarn of more aggressive interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve to dampen inflationary tendencies. BLS Table B-3 includes ‘supervisory personnel’ while BLS Table B-8 does not.

Table B-3 is currently showing average earnings of all workers to be +2.9% y/y hourly and +2.6% y/y weekly. The comparable figures for construction workers are the same, +2.9% hourly and +2.6% weekly. Table B-8 has all workers (excluding bosses) at +2.4% y/y both hourly and weekly. Construction workers as a subset within Table B-8 are doing better at +2.9% hourly and +3.1% weekly. Note, however, that the +3.1% y/y weekly for construction is down significantly from the +5.3% y/y weekly that was reported by the BLS a month ago, in December 2017.

The value of construction starts each month is summarized from ConstructConnect’s database of all active construction projects in the U.S. Missing project values are estimated with the help of RSMeans’ building cost models.

ConstructConnect’s nonresidential construction starts series, because it is comprised of total-value estimates for individual projects, some of which are ultra-large, has a history of being more volatile than many other leading indicators for the economy.

ConstructConnect has now moved to a better-targeted and research-assigned ‘start’ date. Prior to January 2017, the ‘start’ date was recorded as occurring within 30 to 60 days of the announced bid date. In concept, a ‘start’ is equivalent to ground being broken for a project to proceed. If work is abandoned or re-bid, the ‘start’ date is revised to reflect the new information.

Click here to download the Construction Industry Snapshot Package – January 2018 PDF.

Click here for the Top 10 Project Starts in the U.S. – January 2018.

Click here for the Nonresidential Construction Starts Trend Graphs – January 2018.


Previous Annual Latest Month
% Change % Change
2017 % Change Jan 20187 (Jan 18 vs  (Jan 18 vs
($ billions) (2017 vs 2016)   ($ billions) Jan 17) Dec 17)
Hotel/Motel 28.233 39.5% 1.789 11.9% 51.1%
Retail/Shopping 18.942 -46.4% 1.562 -1.3% 60.4%
Parking Garage 3.229 -29.0% 0.260 63.1% -42.7%
Amusement 7.639 18.1% 0.704 40.2% -18.5%
Private Office 26.301 1.0% 1.105 -59.9% 75.4%
Government Office 10.545 -18.6% 0.537 -42.8% 7.5%
Laboratory 2.650 -32.4% 0.039 -67.3% -80.3%
Warehouse 19.310 30.6% 0.708 -51.5% -23.8%
Misc. Commercial* 18.761 48.5% 0.948 -33.2% -62.4%
COMMERCIAL (big subset) 135.610 -0.9% 7.652 -27.4% -7.3%
INDUSTRIAL (Manufacturing) 34.605 71.3% 0.425 -89.2% 0.0%
Religious 2.147 23.5% 0.121 -30.7% -3.0%
Hospital/Clinic 15.585 -27.3% 1.764 11.6% 204.7%
Nursing/Assisted Living 10.928 12.3% 1.069 117.7% 121.9%
Library/Museum 3.359 4.5% 0.255 -36.7% 81.2%
Fire/Police/Courthouse/Prison 8.423 40.5% 0.699 -22.5% 22.3%
Military 4.998 6.8% 0.272 -6.3% 17.5%
School/College 68.215 -2.7% 3.870 -28.1% 22.5%
Misc. Medical 10.603 35.6% 0.980 24.4% 123.2%
INSTITUTIONAL 124.259 -0.4% 9.030 -9.8% 57.7%
Misc. Nonresidential 7.434 -14.1% 0.545 10.5% 32.3%
NONRES. BUILDING 301.908 3.9% 17.652 -29.3% 19.1%
Airport 12.467 87.2% 1.018 344.2% 389.9%
Road/Highway 53.027 3.7% 3.968 -0.5% 75.9%
Bridge 20.591 42.0% 1.881 20.9% 15.9%
Dam/Marine 5.126 37.1% 0.356 16.2% -25.9%
Water/Sewage 31.989 5.0% 2.291 -62.2% 39.6%
Misc. Civil (Power, etc.) 25.351 92.5% 2.153 176.5% 285.5%
HEAVY ENGINEERING (Civil) 148.551 24.2% 11.667 -9.7% 72.4%
TOTAL 450.458 9.8% 29.319 -22.6% 35.8%

Source: ConstructConnect Research Group and ConstructConnect.
Table: ConstructConnect.

– JANUARY 2018
Arranged to match the alphabetical category drop-down menus in INSIGHT


Previous Annual Latest Month
  % Change % Change
2017 % Change January 18 Jan 18 vs Jan 18 vs
($ billions) (17 vs 16) ($ billions) Jan 17 Dec 17
CIVIL 148.551 24.2% 11.667 -9.7% 72.4%
NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDING 301.908 3.9% 17.652 -29.3% 19.1%
RESIDENTIAL 311.341 13.8% 18.835 -16.3% 5.9%
GRAND TOTAL 761.799 11.4% 48.154 -20.3% 22.3%
Airport 12.467 87.2% 1.018 344.2% 389.9%
All Other Civil 15.356 33.2% 0.927 46.2% 94.3%
Bridges 20.591 42.0% 1.881 20.9% 15.9%
Dams / Canals / Marine Work 5.126 37.1% 0.356 16.2% -25.9%
Power Infrastructure 9.995 508.1% 1.226 747.8% 1402.9%
Roads 53.027 3.7% 3.968 -0.5% 75.9%
Water and Sewage Treatment 31.989 5.0% 2.291 -62.2% 39.6%
CIVIL 148.551 24.2% 11.667 -9.7% 72.4%
Offices (private) 26.301 1.0% 1.105 -59.9% 75.4%
Parking Garages 3.229 -29.0% 0.260 63.1% -42.7%
Transportation Terminals 3.675 -20.3% 0.382 183.3% 2.1%
Commercial (small subset) 33.204 -5.7% 1.747 -42.7% 19.8%
Amusement 7.639 18.1% 0.704 40.2% -18.5%
Libraries / Museums 3.359 4.5% 0.255 -36.7% 81.2%
Religious 2.147 23.5% 0.121 -30.7% -3.0%
Sports Arenas / Convention Centers 15.087 88.1% 0.566 -55.9% -73.6%
Community 28.231 45.2% 1.646 -30.3% -49.8%
College / University 21.740 -11.9% 1.213 -33.6% 61.7%
Elementary / Pre School 18.619 -8.4% 0.962 -28.3% 16.1%
Jr / Sr High School 26.021 10.9% 1.613 -23.5% 9.5%
Special / Vocational 1.836 11.2% 0.083 -23.0% -22.4%
Educational 68.215 -2.7% 3.870 -28.1% 22.5%
Courthouses 2.648 107.6% 0.125 33.1% -51.0%
Fire and Police Stations 2.864 0.0% 0.245 66.6% 13.7%
Government Offices 10.545 -18.6% 0.537 -42.8% 7.5%
Prisons 2.912 56.8% 0.330 -50.2% 223.0%
Government 18.968 0.0% 1.236 -32.9% 15.4%
Industrial Labs / Labs / School Labs 2.650 -32.4% 0.039 -67.3% -80.3%
Manufacturing 34.605 71.3% 0.425 -89.2% 0.0%
Warehouses 19.310 30.6% 0.708 -51.5% -23.8%
Industrial 56.565 45.4% 1.172 -78.7% -24.5%
Hospitals / Clinics 15.585 -27.3% 1.764 11.6% 204.7%
Medical Misc. 10.603 35.6% 0.980 24.4% 123.2%
Nursing Homes 10.928 12.3% 1.069 117.7% 121.9%
Medical 37.116 -4.8% 3.813 33.3% 154.2%
Military 4.998 6.8% 0.272 -6.3% 17.5%
Hotels 28.233 39.5% 1.789 11.9% 51.1%
Retail Misc. 7.434 -14.1% 0.545 10.5% 32.3%
Shopping 18.942 -46.4% 1.562 -1.3% 60.4%
Retail 54.609 -14.9% 3.896 6.1% 51.6%
NONRESIDENTIAL BUILDING 3.9% 17.652 -29.3% 19.1%
Multi-Family 110.837 27.5% 5.449 -44.1% 9.5%
Single-Family 200.504 7.4% 13.386 5.0% 4.5%
RESIDENTIAL 311.341 13.8% 18.835 -16.3% 5.9%
NONRESIDENTIAL 450.458 9.8% 29.319 -22.6% 35.8%
GRAND TOTAL 761.799 11.4% 48.154 -20.3% 22.3%

Table 1 conforms to the type-of-structure ordering adopted by many firms and organizations in the industry. Specifically, it breaks nonresidential building into ICI work (i.e., industrial, commercial and institutional), since each has its own set of economic and demographic drivers. Table 2 presents an alternative, perhaps more user-friendly and intuitive type-of-structure ordering that matches how the data appears in ConstructConnect’s on-line product ‘Insight’.

Source: ConstructConnect.
Table: ConstructConnect.

Billions of current $s, not seasonally adjusted (NSA)

Latest month actuals Moving averages (placed in end month) Year to Date.
3-months 12-months JAN JAN
NOV 17 DEC 17 JAN 18 NOV 17 DEC 17 JAN 18 NOV 17 DEC 17 JAN 18 2017 2018
Single Family 16.287 12.810 13.386 16.860 15.626 14.161 16.706 16.709 16.762 12.749 13.386
   month-over-month % change -8.4% -21.3% 4.5% -3.8% -7.3% -9.4% 0.8% 0.0% 0.3%
   year-over-year % change 11.4% 0.2% 5.0% 5.1% 4.0% 5.8% 7.6% 7.4% 7.4% 4.0% 5.0%
Apartment 7.645 4.974 5.449 8.233 7.288 6.023 9.392 9.236 8.878 9.751 5.449
   month-over-month % change -17.3% -34.9% 9.5% -6.2% -11.5% -17.4% 0.5% -1.7% -3.9%
   year-over-year % change 7.3% -27.3% -44.1% 17.5% -2.1% -23.8% 28.1% 27.5% 16.6% 84.6% -44.1%
TOTAL RESIDENTIAL 23.932 17.784 18.835 25.093 22.914 20.184 26.098 25.945 25.640 22.500 18.835
   month-over-month % change -11.4% -25.7% 5.9% -4.6% -8.7% -11.9% 0.7% -0.6% -1.2%
   year-over-year % change 10.0% -9.4% -16.3% 8.8% 1.9% -5.2% 14.2% 13.8% 10.4% 28.3% -16.3%
Hotel/Motel 1.803 1.184 1.789 2.142 1.752 1.592 2.370 2.353 2.369 1.598 1.789
   month-over-month % change -20.5% -34.3% 51.1% -3.5% -18.2% -9.1% 0.5% -0.7% 0.7%
   year-over-year % change 8.0% -14.9% 11.9% 12.6% 1.5% 2.5% 37.7% 39.5% 39.4% 10.5% 11.9%
Retail 1.054 0.973 1.562 1.387 1.271 1.197 1.635 1.578 1.577 1.582 1.562
   month-over-month % change -40.9% -7.7% 60.4% -14.5% -8.4% -5.8% -1.3% -3.5% -0.1%
   year-over-year % change -19.3% -41.3% -1.3% -23.5% -25.4% -21.0% -45.3% -46.4% -43.2% -56.1% -1.3%
Parking Garages 0.083 0.454 0.260 0.255 0.344 0.266 0.249 0.269 0.277 0.160 0.260
   month-over-month % change -83.3% 449.3% -42.7% -9.2% 34.8% -22.8% -9.4% 8.0% 3.1%
   year-over-year % change -79.0% 112.1% 63.1% -25.2% 20.3% 3.8% -33.0% -29.0% -27.4% 31.6% 63.1%
Amusement 0.333 0.863 0.704 0.535 0.634 0.633 0.603 0.637 0.653 0.502 0.704
   month-over-month % change -52.8% 159.5% -18.5% -10.5% 18.4% -0.1% -5.0% 5.5% 2.6%
   year-over-year % change -53.3% 85.5% 40.2% -10.1% -0.3% 13.1% -5.0% 18.1% 19.4% 24.0% 40.2%
Office 1.938 0.630 1.105 1.658 1.252 1.225 2.298 2.192 2.054 2.754 1.105
   month-over-month % change 63.2% -67.5% 75.4% 9.0% -24.5% -2.2% 2.8% -4.6% -6.3%
   year-over-year % change 62.9% -66.9% -59.9% -9.3% -27.7% -37.2% 3.6% 1.0% -8.5% 47.3% -59.9%
Governmental Offices 0.653 0.499 0.537 0.719 0.655 0.563 0.954 0.879 0.845 0.940 0.537
   month-over-month % change -19.5% -23.5% 7.5% -8.1% -9.0% -14.0% -0.4% -7.9% -3.8%
   year-over-year % change -6.6% -64.3% -42.8% -4.5% -33.9% -44.4% -5.8% -18.6% -21.5% -4.9% -42.8%
Laboratories 0.186 0.198 0.039 0.134 0.175 0.141 0.217 0.221 0.214 0.119 0.039
   month-over-month % change 31.4% 6.8% -80.3% 42.6% 30.7% -19.5% 0.5% 1.8% -3.0%
   year-over-year % change 8.1% 31.1% -67.3% 7.6% 31.5% -4.3% -33.2% -32.4% -32.4% -49.0% -67.3%
Warehouse 1.162 0.929 0.708 1.361 1.203 0.933 1.619 1.609 1.547 1.460 0.708
   month-over-month % change -23.4% -20.1% -23.8% -19.0% -11.6% -22.5% -0.9% -0.6% -3.9%
   year-over-year % change -13.2% -10.9% -51.5% -6.5% -14.2% -27.1% 31.3% 30.6% 20.7% 67.4% -51.5%
Misc Commercial 0.550 2.521 0.948 1.057 1.686 1.340 1.401 1.563 1.524 1.418 0.948
   month-over-month % change -72.3% 358.0% -62.4% 0.2% 59.4% -20.5% -6.0% 11.6% -2.5%
   year-over-year % change -66.0% 338.7% -33.2% 8.0% 80.1% 11.2% 14.9% 48.5% 40.1% 43.4% -33.2%
TOTAL COMMERCIAL 7.762 8.253 7.652 9.249 8.970 7.889 11.346 11.301 11.061 10.533 7.652
   month-over-month % change -28.8% 6.3% -7.3% -6.1% -3.0% -12.1% -1.0% -0.4% -2.1%
   year-over-year % change -14.7% -6.2% -27.4% -5.5% -6.0% -16.8% -3.2% -0.9% -3.1% 0.1% -27.4%
TOTAL INDUSTRIAL  (Manufacturing) 0.507 0.425 0.425 6.003 2.590 0.453 2.978 2.884 2.592 3.923 0.425
   month-over-month % change -92.6% -16.1% 0.0% -8.5% -56.9% -82.5% -0.9% -3.2% -10.1%
   year-over-year % change -39.6% -72.6% -89.2% 637.3% 152.0% -78.5% 78.5% 71.3% 32.1% 577.9% -89.2%
Religious 0.108 0.125 0.121 0.133 0.136 0.118 0.181 0.179 0.174 0.175 0.121
   month-over-month % change -38.7% 15.9% -3.0% -11.0% 2.7% -13.4% -1.4% -1.3% -2.5%
   year-over-year % change -22.6% -18.2% -30.7% -12.9% -12.5% -24.2% 24.9% 23.5% 20.1% 2.3% -30.7%
Hosptials/Clinics 0.797 0.579 1.764 0.853 0.769 1.047 1.319 1.299 1.314 1.581 1.764
   month-over-month % change -14.2% -27.4% 204.7% -9.0% -9.9% 36.2% -4.7% -1.6% 1.2%
   year-over-year % change -49.6% -29.9% 11.6% -53.8% -41.2% -21.3% -28.1% -27.3% -26.0% -7.8% 11.6%
Nursing/Assisted Living 0.995 0.482 1.069 0.958 0.827 0.848 0.939 0.911 0.959 0.491 1.069
   month-over-month % change -0.9% -51.6% 121.9% 5.5% -13.7% 2.6% 1.0% -3.0% 5.3%
   year-over-year % change 12.2% -41.3% 117.7% 12.9% -9.6% 15.8% 18.6% 12.3% 22.7% -41.9% 117.7%
Libraries/Museums 0.147 0.141 0.255 0.215 0.157 0.181 0.310 0.280 0.268 0.403 0.255
   month-over-month % change -19.6% -4.0% 81.2% -25.8% -26.9% 15.5% 1.6% -9.6% -4.4%
   year-over-year % change 63.0% -71.6% -36.7% 16.7% -41.2% -45.1% 25.4% 4.5% -7.2% 160.3% -36.7%
Police/Courthouse/Prison 0.392 0.572 0.699 0.580 0.553 0.554 0.693 0.702 0.685 0.902 0.699
   month-over-month % change -43.5% 45.9% 22.3% -14.5% -4.8% 0.3% -0.7% 1.3% -2.4%
   year-over-year % change -13.1% 23.9% -22.5% 15.3% 1.9% -8.3% 40.4% 40.5% 23.6% 262.5% -22.5%
Military 0.588 0.231 0.272 0.690 0.533 0.364 0.407 0.417 0.415 0.290 0.272
   month-over-month % change -24.7% -60.7% 17.5% 17.5% -22.7% -31.8% -1.5% 2.4% -0.4%
   year-over-year % change -11.4% 105.8% -6.3% 6.8% 15.2% 2.3% -1.9% 6.8% 9.0% -27.9% -6.3%
Schools/Colleges 3.458 3.158 3.870 4.138 3.771 3.496 5.860 5.685 5.559 5.380 3.870
   month-over-month % change -26.4% -8.7% 22.5% -10.1% -8.9% -7.3% -0.5% -3.0% -2.2%
   year-over-year % change -10.0% -40.0% -28.1% -9.2% -25.5% -27.6% 1.3% -2.7% -6.6% 31.6% -28.1%
Misc Government 0.727 0.439 0.980 0.760 0.630 0.715 0.908 0.884 0.900 0.788 0.980
   month-over-month % change 0.6% -39.6% 123.2% -23.5% -17.2% 13.6% 0.8% -2.7% 1.8%
   year-over-year % change 13.2% -39.7% 24.4% -5.2% -19.8% -0.5% 44.3% 35.6% 31.0% 113.5% 24.4%
TOTAL INSTITUTIONAL 7.212 5.727 9.030 8.326 7.375 7.323 10.616 10.355 10.273 10.010 9.030
   month-over-month % change -21.5% -20.6% 57.7% -9.0% -11.4% -0.7% -0.8% -2.5% -0.8%
   year-over-year % change -13.1% -35.4% -9.8% -12.7% -22.3% -19.1% 2.7% -0.4% -2.7% 25.2% -9.8%
Misc Non Residential 0.479 0.412 0.545 0.586 0.477 0.478 0.638 0.619 0.624 0.493 0.545
   month-over-month % change -11.4% -14.0% 32.3% -10.7% -18.6% 0.3% -2.3% -2.9% 0.7%
   year-over-year % change -27.6% -34.8% 10.5% -20.2% -30.1% -19.6% -10.9% -14.1% -12.6% -15.4% 10.5%
TOTAL NONRES BUILDING 15.960 14.817 17.652 24.165 19.413 16.143 25.578 25.159 24.550 24.959 17.652
   month-over-month % change -41.9% -7.2% 19.1% -7.8% -19.7% -16.8% -0.9% -1.6% -2.4%
   year-over-year % change -15.6% -25.3% -29.3% 15.8% -6.4% -24.0% 4.6% 3.9% -0.4% 26.8% -29.3%
Airports 0.320 0.208 1.018 2.005 0.592 0.515 1.058 1.039 1.105 0.229 1.018
   month-over-month % change -74.4% -35.1% 389.9% -6.7% -70.5% -13.0% -0.5% -1.8% 6.3%
   year-over-year % change -16.1% -52.7% 344.2% 222.8% 1.2% 47.2% 101.0% 87.2% 95.6% 106.7% 344.2%
Roads/Highways 2.671 2.256 3.968 3.299 2.740 2.965 4.536 4.419 4.417 3.990 3.968
   month-over-month % change -18.9% -15.6% 75.9% -15.6% -16.9% 8.2% -0.1% -2.6% 0.0%
   year-over-year % change -2.7% -38.3% -0.5% -7.1% -15.8% -14.4% 6.6% 3.7% 4.4% -8.4% -0.5%
Bridges 1.241 1.623 1.881 1.217 1.259 1.581 1.685 1.716 1.743 1.555 1.881
   month-over-month % change 35.8% 30.8% 15.9% -12.0% 3.5% 25.6% 2.0% 1.9% 1.6%
   year-over-year % change 46.5% 30.3% 20.9% 38.5% 24.8% 30.0% 36.3% 42.0% 41.6% 20.7% 20.9%
Dams/Marine 0.663 0.481 0.356 0.506 0.571 0.500 0.414 0.427 0.431 0.307 0.356
   month-over-month % change 16.0% -27.4% -25.9% 27.7% 13.0% -12.5% 7.8% 3.1% 1.0%
   year-over-year % change 119.8% 46.4% 16.2% 71.0% 70.8% 60.1% 33.1% 37.1% 35.0% 43.9% 16.2%
Water/Sewage 1.816 1.640 2.291 2.048 1.897 1.916 2.762 2.666 2.351 6.067 2.291
   month-over-month % change -18.7% -9.7% 39.6% -11.4% -7.4% 1.0% 0.3% -3.5% -11.8%
   year-over-year % change 5.6% -41.4% -62.2% -4.0% -16.7% -45.7% 10.7% 5.0% -18.1% 192.6% -62.2%
Misc Civil 5.041 0.559 2.153 3.525 2.376 2.584 2.138 2.113 2.227 0.779 2.153
   month-over-month % change 230.0% -88.9% 285.5% 20.8% -32.6% 8.8% 18.4% -1.2% 5.4%
   year-over-year % change 378.7% -35.3% 176.5% 235.6% 143.5% 187.6% 82.3% 92.5% 110.1% -36.7% 176.5%
TOTAL ENGINEERING 11.752 6.766 11.667 12.600 9.435 10.062 12.593 12.379 12.274 12.926 11.667
   month-over-month % change 20.1% -42.4% 72.4% -3.6% -25.1% 6.6% 3.2% -1.7% -0.8%
   year-over-year % change 66.7% -27.5% -9.7% 47.7% 11.8% 3.0% 26.0% 24.2% 19.5% 39.4% -9.7%
GRAND TOTAL 51.644 39.367 48.154 61.858 51.762 46.388 64.269 63.483 62.464 60.385 48.154
   month-over-month % change -19.7% -23.8% 22.3% -5.7% -16.3% -10.4% 0.5% -1.2% -1.6%
   year-over-year % change 8.3% -19.3% -20.3% 17.9% 0.2% -11.3% 12.2% 11.4% 7.4% 29.9% -20.3%
NONRES BLDG + ENGINEERING 27.712 21.583 29.319 36.765 28.848 26.204 38.171 37.538 36.824 37.885 29.319
   month-over-month % change -25.6% -22.1% 35.8% -6.4% -21.5% -9.2% 0.4% -1.7% -1.9%
   year-over-year % change 6.8% -26.0% -22.6% 25.0% -1.2% -15.5% 10.8% 9.8% 5.4% 30.8% -22.6%

Data Source and Table: ConstructConnect.


JanUARY 2017 JanUARY 2018 % Change
Connecticut $231,164,293 $110,215,691 -52.3%
Maine $47,430,079 $125,093,849 163.7%
Massachusetts $666,238,474 $410,158,964 -38.4%
New Hampshire $47,450,617 $48,772,064 2.8%
Rhode Island $120,044,284 $119,073,141 -0.8%
Vermont $24,583,962 $43,258,756 76.0%
Total New England $1,136,911,709 $856,572,465 -24.7%
New Jersey $1,452,107,340 $478,140,040 -67.1%
New York $2,412,975,702 $1,416,208,480 -41.3%
Pennsylvania $1,009,856,833 $981,710,429 -2.8%
Total Middle Atlantic $4,874,939,875 $2,876,058,949 -41.0%
TOTAL NORTHEAST $6,011,851,584 $3,732,631,414 -37.9%
Illinois $615,394,638 $556,812,999 -9.5%
Indiana $373,956,056 $287,869,873 -23.0%
Michigan $4,803,991,907 $365,737,129 -92.4%
Ohio $917,554,360 $1,374,386,355 49.8%
Wisconsin $492,621,937 $408,525,410 -17.1%
Total East North Central $7,203,518,898 $2,993,331,766 -58.4%
Iowa $140,497,426 $207,314,950 47.6%
Kansas $236,426,303 $463,435,070 96.0%
Minnesota $220,452,459 $230,892,651 4.7%
Missouri $301,742,970 $861,002,065 185.3%
Nebraska $289,237,108 $133,171,461 -54.0%
North Dakota $179,977,877 $193,312,143 7.4%
South Dakota $83,461,243 $173,619,093 108.0%
Total West North Central $1,451,795,386 $2,262,747,433 55.9%
TOTAL MIDWEST $8,655,314,284 $5,256,079,199 -39.3%
Delaware $337,783,919 $18,534,886 -94.5%
District of Columbia $76,770,901 $142,543,536 85.7%
Florida $2,227,211,700 $1,885,489,121 -15.3%
Georgia $1,280,395,447 $704,637,145 -45.0%
Maryland $306,373,766 $1,069,419,389 249.1%
North Carolina $879,619,637 $691,002,737 -21.4%
South Carolina $594,902,291 $644,756,121 8.4%
Virginia $716,290,032 $687,711,705 -4.0%
West Virginia $174,873,926 $69,174,078 -60.4%
Total South Atlantic $6,594,221,619 $5,913,268,718 -10.3%
Alabama $408,295,861 $517,063,074 26.6%
Kentucky $393,664,100 $288,286,771 -26.8%
Mississippi $188,923,499 $113,451,450 -39.9%
Tennessee $559,393,908 $621,417,199 11.1%
Total East South Central $1,550,277,368 $1,540,218,494 -0.6%
Arkansas $314,568,388 $282,735,356 -10.1%
Louisiana $1,388,700,930 $1,173,771,985 -15.5%
Oklahoma $364,968,317 $676,764,694 85.4%
Texas $3,663,318,419 $2,852,264,052 -22.1%
Total West South Central $5,731,556,054 $4,985,536,087 -13.0%
TOTAL SOUTH $13,876,055,041 $12,439,023,299 -10.4%
Arizona $513,216,690 $946,702,221 84.5%
Colorado $315,873,390 $460,607,633 45.8%
Idaho $117,729,517 $87,674,080 -25.5%
Montana $81,946,668 $37,528,258 -54.2%
Nevada $265,919,150 $220,782,155 -17.0%
New Mexico $160,816,645 $158,861,251 -1.2%
Utah $765,135,876 $1,009,301,779 31.9%
Wyoming $44,217,906 $29,849,693 -32.5%
Total Mountain $2,264,855,842 $2,951,307,070 30.3%
Alaska $107,383,806 $159,686,399 48.7%
California $5,805,346,638 $3,406,798,866 -41.3%
Hawaii $144,868,146 $364,846,794 151.8%
Oregon $241,507,830 $301,304,055 24.8%
Washington $778,185,740 $707,048,283 -9.1%
Total Pacific $7,077,292,160 $4,939,684,397 -30.2%
TOTAL WEST $9,342,148,002 $7,890,991,467 -15.5%
TOTAL U.S. $37,885,368,911 $29,318,725,379 -22.6%

*Figures above are comprised of nonres building and engineering (i.e., residential is omitted).

Data Source and Table: ConstructConnect

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