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 AECCafe Today
Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Susan Smith has worked as an editor and writer in the technology industry for over 16 years. As an editor she has been responsible for the launch of a number of technology trade publications, both in print and online. Currently, Susan is the Editor of GISCafe and AECCafe, as well as those sites’ … More »

Dell displays new mobile workstations

January 9th, 2012 by Susan Smith

Richard Runnells, Precision Workstations & IVS Mktg.for Dell Precision Workstations, spoke with AECCafe’s Sanjay Gangal at Autodesk University 2011 in Las Vegas in December. Between 9,000-10,000 attendees were reported at the conference.

Sanjay: What is your relationship with Autodesk?

Richard: We have a strong relationship with Autodesk and do a lot of marketing and certification. We certify products to help the end user to gain confidence about using the products. Our products have been tested to work together with Autodesk products.

Sanjay: What are you showing here at the conference?

Richard: We are showing the new mobile workstations, the 4600 and 6600 mobile workstations, which are professional grade mobile workstations in a small form factor designed for mobile use.

Sanjay: What makes these special?

Richard: They are designed for engineers to use with AEC tools for engineers. We Work closely with NVIDIA and others to develop these applications to work with these tools. The workstations are powerful and scalable and can evolve with the customer’s requirements.

Sanjay: What is the difference between the 4600 and the 6600?

Richard: Primarily the processor, and the ability and graphics card that will fit in them. There is a smaller form factor for the 4600, a larger screen but a more powerful CPU for the 6600.

For more information on Dell, visit

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