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Archive for January 30th, 2012

2012 Predictions: Bentley Systems on Bridges, Civil & Transportation

Monday, January 30th, 2012

·        The growth areas for use of bridge information modeling (BrIM) practices and technologies will continue to be Design/Build and PPP projects.

·        Use of BrIM will bring measurable improvements in constructability analysis (and ultimately, in operations).

·        2012 will see greater adoption of BrIM at the Contractor level, for value engineering and cost mitigation.

·        More organizations will change how they fund IT investments based on planning a shift to cloud computing.

·        The practical realities of how enterprises are implementing sustainable business practices will continue to evolve rapidly, resulting in changes to organizational processes and the nature of sustainable business system solutions.

Commentary: Bentley’s BrIM solutions will continue to leverage Bentley platform technologies in readiness to support the shift to cloud computing.
The BrIM solutions for 2012 are well positioned to support sustainability and the changes to organizational systems and processes that will be required.

– Jackie Cissell, Bentley’s Product Marketing Manager, Civil & Transportation for BrIM (Bridge Information Modeling)

2012 Predictions: Autodesk on AEC

Monday, January 30th, 2012

The AEC business will see an increase in consolidated, super-firms with heightened focus on differentiating themselves in a competitive market. It will become important for firms to move beyond traditional offerings to include energy and water analyses as part of their conventional business. To this end, more large firms will acquire specialty firms and conduct mandatory training to expand the breadth of capabilities across their workforce

In 2012, building projects will become more complex, driven by performance requirements, particularly sustainable performance objectives. As a result, this will create a need for more multi-faceted construction systems, including an increase in fabricated building components based on digital processes. To accommodate this change, a new generation of “smart” building managers will emerge to take responsibility for handling these demanding, complex assets. These building managers will be accompanied by a new generation of digital-enabled fabricators who will be the intellectual engine of this change.

The rise in mobile devices and digital information cannot be ignored in 2012. This trend, which has asserted itself in every industry, will become increasingly important for the construction industry – specifically, project management and team communication.  The rise in digital information will drive demands for better access and management of project information across the lifecycle and construction firms – and their subcontractors – will expect to access that information from anywhere, on any platform.

The owner-operator relationship will continue to evolve in the coming year, as success parameters for a project are expanded beyond “on-time” and “on-budget.” First-year operating costs (i.e. energy and water) as well as predicted performance characteristics, such as hours of traffic congestion (for transit) or percentage daylight penetration (for buildings and factories) will be important factors to measure future success.

– Autodesk AEC Executive Team

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