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Archive for November 9th, 2023

Driving Safety and Environmental Integrity with Real-time Continuous Condition Monitoring

Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Companies that build, operate, or service large infrastructure installations such as dams, mines, and transportation facilities must monitor the conditions within—and surrounding—those installations to look for signs of possible structural degradation or environmental impact. In today’s world, where both regulators and the public are paying closer attention to public safety and the environment, it is becoming critical for organizations to automate the measurement of a growing range of parameters, both in real-time and remotely. Failure to do so can lead to significant risks.

To understand current and future trends in condition monitoring and changing industry practices, Bentley Systems and ThoughtLab surveyed senior executives and technical staff at 500 companies of different sizes across six industry sectors and five countries. The study, conducted in the first quarter of 2023 and published in the 2023 Condition Monitoring Report, revealed that companies are fast-tracking their shift from manual to automated condition monitoring. On average, two-thirds of condition monitoring is at least partially automated; in two years, that percentage will jump to 75%.


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