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Posts Tagged ‘AutoCAD 2013’

Autodesk keynotes – AutoCAD 2013 product launch

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

The Autodesk Media Summit held in San Francisco last week sports news of the latest Autodesk 2013 product suites and products launch. CEO Carl Bass opened the Autodesk Media Summit with some business results, big trends, followed by specific product information by Amar Hanspal.Check out the video here:


AutoCAD 2013 is now available for download

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

This latest release, AutoCAD 2013, is tightly integrated with Autodesk 360 which is cloud storage. Autodesk 360, a cloud computing platform that enables customers to  improve the way they work by providing the ability to store, edit and share their designs and access virtually infinite computing power anytime, anywhere. Check out this and many other features:


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