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Posts Tagged ‘keynote’

AU2012: The Cloud and the Maker community

Tuesday, November 27th, 2012

The message at this morning’s keynote at Autodesk University revolved around the cloud and the maker community. These two topics were big last year, but this year they dominated the discussions at the keynote, with guest speakers who are truly on the cutting edge of the maker community.


Quote for the day

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

“Part of the ambition of Pachube is we’re coming to a situation where our environments will be extremely connected, we impinge upon each other, not just physically but digitally. This has a cultural aspect to it, but by providing a mechanism where you can decide to opt in, you don’t have to share all your data. But if there is a way to share your data, you can create something more valuable for the community as awhole.” – Usman Haque of Haque Studio and CEO and founder of Pachube, a YouTube like product that allows you to “store, share & discover realtime sensor, energy and environment data from objects, devices and buildings around the world” in a keynote at sg2011.

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