ArchShowcase ![]() Sumit Singhal
Sumit Singhal loves modern architecture. He comes from a family of builders who have built more than 20 projects in the last ten years near Delhi in India. He has recently started writing about the architectural projects that catch his imagination. Abovedada House in Chiloé, Chile by EDWARD ROJAS ARQUITECTOSAugust 19th, 2021 by Sumit Singhal
Article source: EDWARD ROJAS ARQUITECTOS Abovedada house is located on a high-rise terrain with good sun and extraordinary views of the landscape. It is conceived as a set of very defined modules crowned with barrel vaults; those that house different functions. The central module is the common space (living room – kitchen) for the family and guests. The one at the north end, houses the parents’ bedroom and is considered a second skin to cover a winter garden. And at the south end is the module with the children’s bedrooms. These volumes are interconnected by corridors – galleries and terraces that look at the landscape that draws on the horizon the Chilean Patagonia.
The different modules of the house are built with wood and traditional technology, being covered with recycled tiles. They were designed with floor and a half height, which allows to make use of the plenum, in order to accommodate in the space of the parents a library studio; in the children’s area two guest bedrooms, and in the central area enriched by stained glass windows, a mezzanine that emphasizes the height and the vault as protagonists of the house, the one that connects with the other vault that goes over the parking lot and that houses the game room for the grandchildren.
Categories: House, Residential |