It is a lot in a residential area of a closed neighborhood belonging to Villanueva, whose characteristic is to have modified flooded low lands, creating artificial lagoons with scenic interest and filling sectors with the remaining soil for public and private use.
It is a lot in a new closed district, with a young vegetation and very few buildings, so that the house had to be conceived lacking of all data provided by an already established neighborhood. The particular location of the lot, still without adjoining houses, neither added relevant data to the described environment, except those related to its orientation.
In our spatial searches, Mosconi 3 adds to the concepts of open ground floor and permeability between urban and semi-private spaces, experimentation in the succession of spaces and boundaries within 3 functional units that make up the project.
This house, located in a residential area, occupies the ground posing a succession of continuities between the different areas (public – semipublic – private).
Costa Esmeralda is located thirteen kilometers north off the city of Pinamar and four hours away from Buenos Aires. Barrio Marítimo II, where the plot of land is located, is set parallel to the sea. A screen of pines lies between the neighborhood and the seacoast, thus respecting the 200 meter setback required by provincial regulations.
Along the street´s promenade, a construction catalogue is displayed. Due to this, the reduction of components in the design language, the material as an expression itself, and the presence of the building as a definition in its own: concrete in its purest state with no elements making reference to the domestic, clearly defining the limit between the public and private space. The front façade is deconstructed by two planes that follow the cul-de-sac´s geometry. Only light can go through them, so the sight stops. In a man created landscape, with no relevant attractiveness, a new landscape is formed in the interior: inner patios with vegetation and natural light define the character of this particular world.
Intended for permanent residence, this single-family home was set in a flat corner lot of a little more than 900m2 in a new parceling in the North of Pinamar (seaside town in the Coast of Argentina) where the building density does not exceed two houses per block.
Living, feeling, moving around, growing, enjoying and resting are some of the feelings that inspired the design.
The Franchino mill stands as a metaphor waiting to become habitat, to recover its dimension, to be inhabited to say its words.
The word is mill; meaning use to grind, to pulverise, to turn the heavy things into light ones, to destroy the whole in order to achieve subtlety. It is something used to change the matter into a different thing, the flour of language, a way of naming us.
From the architect.This is a house for temporary use, with the possibility of becoming permanent home for a family consisting of a married couple and two adult children in Santa Monica, Valle de Calamuchita. In this typical mountain landscape of this valley, the terrain, with spacious and panoramic views, has a facade facing the street towards the east, and another facade toward the Santa Rosa River on the west. With a slope of around 12%, the floor plane descends to reach the water.