The premise of the project entitled “1:1”, exhibited in the Romanian Pavilion from Giardini di Castello, is a radical one: architecture as translation of a unique idea, ultimately determining and defining the space we inhabit. The concept is to “exhibit space” and, by doing so, to explore its various instances. A precise and quantifiable fact is related to the idea of “space”: 94.4 m2 person is the population density level in Bucharest. This is a specific and local relation that represents the urban condition in Romania. It illustrates, at the same time, both an individual and a collective state of existence.
The installation occupies and defines a Space. A series of elements, following one rule, defining in this way an ideal limit, an object perceived as a precise place, the “O” pavilion, positioned independently of the deigned path of the Dimitrie Ghica park in Sinaia, occupies a fragment of it, proposing a new way of public interaction. The new object is placed in the same axe as the entrance if the Casino.
Winning a national contest for rehabilitation solutions Bastion Theresia (1738) as Class Monument National Monuments list, opened the possibility of professional experience while challenging and extraordinary.
A chamfered diamond outline and meandering structural lattice establishes Dorobanti Tower as a landmark design for Bucharest – a residential building standing at the centre of a new meeting place and urban plaza – a ‘concrete carpet’ on which seating areas, water basins, fountains and green spaces are arranged.
The CENTRAL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY “Lucian Blaga” Cluj-Napoca launched an architectural contest for a new storage building with open shelf access. The competition aimed at selecting and awarding the best solutions of architecture for a new building that should contain a deposit area with open shelf access, public hosting and technical spaces. The site is on the SW side of the existing building and has a total area of 1230 mp.
Article source: Dimitrie Stefanescu, Patrick Bedarf, Bogdan Hambasan
The project started out as an ambitious student-powered endeavor to design and fabricate at a 1:1 scale the flagship pavilion for the ZA11 Speaking Architecture event in Cluj, Romania. While at the same time integrating into its historically-charged context, the design boasts a strong representational power which was much needed in order to fulfill its main goal: attracting passers-by to the event. The object tries to make legible the new ontology which is slowly defined by computational architecture and is a showcase for the processes empowered by it. At the same time, the pavilion offers a sheltered space for the unfolding of different social events pertaining to the corresponding architecture festival.