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Thursday, June 4th, 2009

Digital marketing. One of the newfangled buzzwords that business owners are using to sound smart these days.

Or is there really something to it?

With companies going the digital route and focusing on creating a strong online presence, we understand why you might also be thinking of joining the party.

Do you want to start promoting your business online? Not sure what digital marketing means? If that’s the case, cheer up! In this guide, you’re going to find all the digital marketing basics you need to know about creating successful online marketing campaigns for your business.


In simplest terms, digital marketing means marketing your products and services using the internet and digital media as the medium.

Digital marketing is sort of an umbrella term that includes all the modern marketing strategies. We are talking about marketing tactics that involve reaching out to the target customers through online marketing (Internet, mobile phones,) and social media marketing like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, You.Tube and such.

As you can imagine, this is a vast field and can be quite overwhelming if you’re new to the realm of online marketing. In our comprehensive guide to digital marketing basics, we are going to reveal:

  • Why your business needs digital marketing
  • The components of a successful digital marketing strategy

This guide will equip you with all the digital marketing basics knowledge you’ll ever need to create a successful online marketing plan for your business.

Alright, so make yourself a cup of coffee and let’s begin! This compehensive guide answers questions on affiliate marketing.-

Why does your business need digital marketing?

If you are hesitating to invest in digital marketing, here are a few points to convince you of the significance of having an online marketing plan for your business.

Competition is using it: Did you know that 77.6% of small business owners use social media in their marketing strategy? From solo entrepreneurs and freelancers to companies, everyone is using digital marketing to establish a brand presence today. This is probably because digital marketing basics are fairly easy to grasp. If you don’t adapt to the changing times, you stand to lose potential customers.

Cast a wider net: Digital marketing allows you to catch the attention of your prospective customers through a variety of ways. For example, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which we are going to discuss later in this guide, helps you attract customers in an organic (unpaid) way.


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