Wyoming Linz, a steel detailing contractor based in Wyoming, USA, have been using SDS/2 and Bluebeam in conjunction to streamline their drawing management processes. Justin Lind, Office Manager and Estimator at Wyoming Linz, describes how leveraging the powerful automation opportunities offered by these two software packages from the Nemetschek Group portfolio has enabled the company to save significant amounts of time and reduce errors, while also improving their relationships with their project partners.
How do you use Bluebeam and SDS/2 for your drawing management?
While we have been paperless for nearly 20 years using Bluebeam, we have been developing this process over the last two years to create more efficient workflows. We keep all the current contract documents on a Bluebeam Studio Session where they are always accessible. Then we take the time to set up bookmarks and page labels, which makes the documents easier to navigate. The built-in Bluebeam tools make this easy to do, and we also break the contract documents into three color-coded sets – the architectural, structural, and trades drawings. With the labeling set up, we can then use the batch hyperlinking and specific hyperlinking features to quickly create links within the documents.