ArchShowcase Sanjay Gangal
Sanjay Gangal is the President of IBSystems, the parent company of, MCADCafe, EDACafe.Com, GISCafe.Com, and ShareCG.Com. The Morphing Kinetower by Kinetura designed using MayaMarch 25th, 2011 by Sanjay Gangal
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Kinetura believe in the multi-functionality of objects and architecture. Transformation of form depending on its use. We call it METAMORPHISM. The Kinetura concept is adding a new dynamic dimension to common static design and architecture. By making use of the flexible characteristics of specific materials combined with motion-based technologies, objects transform in a silent and nearly imperceptible way into a contrasting shape with a completely different functionality and expression. As if a extra dimension were involved… Concepts Metamorphism The Kinetura concept of Metamorphism, transformation of form, using the flexible characteristics of specific materials combined with motion-based technologies, can be applied to architecture. The composite materials have the potential to revolve the essence of our future surrounding artifacts. Metamorphism is a geological term referring to changes in rocks, due to external pressure and heat. This change also refers to the transformation we aim for, slow and at first almost imperceptible, but with an important result. Of course the name ‘Metamorphism’ also relates to the Metamorphoses of Ovid. Architecture and design of the beginning of the 20th century focused on function to result in essential and pure forms. In contrast contemporary architecture and design often try to reflect the actual and complex society through the use of sophisticated forms, frequently resulting in dynamic or organic appearance. They are expressing the strength of computer design-technology and production possibilities. Maybe future architecture and design should no longer be conceived as monuments in a static Newtonian Universe. The world is moving and changing continuously. ‘Space and duration are one’ as the American poet E. A. Poe already wrote in 1848. Metamorphic artifacts, transforming in space and time, depending on their use, could fit in a way into this idea. The crisis the world is facing today extends from economy, ecology to identity. Some existing ideologies about boundaries, infrastructure, transportation, energy-use and building approach seem obsolete in comparison to the sublime worldwide communication made possible by internet, cell phones and television. It almost seems as if the digital communication revolution of the world has gone too fast and is not yet compatible with our mental, mainly static approach of conceiving physical artifacts and controlling our ever changing world. Metamorphism tries to partially update architecture and design by making projects and doing research on challenges such as multi-usability, sustainability, energy control and energy capture. Kinetura tries to respect the ‘form follows function’ approach extended with an extra dynamic dimension. In our vision we don’t seek minimalism, neither decoration, nor representation in a mimetic way of organic forms. Even motion itself is not our objective but only a means. As in a poem, it’s the combination of verses, which evokes a world of meaning and unlimited connections. This synergetic principle is close to the way metamorphic design and architecture can generate sense. The movement can only be meaningful when being part of a functional scenario, as if the movement were a pace in a dance. The dialectic of space versus time, matter versus light, closed versus open, rigid versus flexible, hide versus reveal, male versus female, objectivity versus emotion creates a poetical dimension in this approach: oppositions as innate properties of one. Process of functionality Every form we conceive tries to be related to a certain use. Each form is only a sequence within a bigger process of transforming functionalities. Film is a better way to express the designed concept of metamorphism, since photography and drawings are not able to capture the essence of the process. Sustainability It is Kinetura’s belief that we can contribute to a more sustainable world in trying to combine less material in an energy efficient and intelligent way to shape new products and architecture. The transformation of form we call Metamorphism is a densification of significance and functions in one and the same arte-fact. The process of Metamorphism refers with deep respect to biological systems, without trying to make a merely formal representation of nature. When you consider the cladding of a building no longer as a mainly static protection against nature but as a controllable dynamic generator of energy and shelter, responding to the weather conditions and the use of the building by its occupants, it gets closer to nature. Human well being For Kinetura there is a strong link between transformable physical presence, light and human well being. Where you eliminate certain properties, you have to add new ones to gain human relevance. There is a strong correlation between light and form. When you modulate light best is to modify shape also. The never-ending change of natural light is influenced by permanent transformation of the natural environment. In this process the notion of flexibility is omnipresent. Change of light and form through flexibility has an innate and important impact on the mood and health of people. A world of new possibilities is waiting to be applied. Contact Kinetura
Categories: Maya, Sustainable Design, Tower |