ArchShowcase Sumit Singhal
Sumit Singhal loves modern architecture. He comes from a family of builders who have built more than 20 projects in the last ten years near Delhi in India. He has recently started writing about the architectural projects that catch his imagination. Özyeğin University School of English Language Instruction (SELI) in Çekmeköy Campus, Turkey by ARKFebruary 22nd, 2014 by Sumit Singhal
Article source: ARK In the heart of Ozyegin University’s campus, the SELI building is composed as a “hinge” to allow a pivotal shift in the axial organized structures and pedestrian movement within the campus. The building’s internal and external organization reinforces the transition from the high levels of the main educational campus down to the lower levels of the sports and residential campus.
The building will be hosting the School of English Language Instructions (SELI). The total building area will be 17500 m2 with 7 levels of the 150.000 m2 campus project. The building is located south-north direction and connecting the campus valley and the quad level with an internal void situated to the south facade, which is a buffer zone to reduce the heating and cooling capacity. The main spine of the building consists of 73 SELI classes/ 20 students and 17 offices separately at 5 levels. This building is the fifth phase of fast track construction of the academic campus for Ozyegin University (OZU), a new private Turkish university started in 2008. The SELI building is also Demo Site #5 of the NEED4B project. From the NEED4B website-“NEED4B will develop an open and easily replicable methodology for designing, constructing, and operating very low energy new buildings, aiming to a large market uptake. NEED4B methodology will be validated and refined by a strong demonstration programme, envisaging the construction of 27.000 m2, spread among five demo sites covering different climatic zones, buildings types and uses, what ensures replicability of the project results and guarantees their impact in the construction sector.” The whole campus isbeing designed and constructed aiming to become an example of sustainability and energy efficiency. The University aims to provide hands-on education to its students by providing them facilities that teach by example. All campus buildings are candidates for internationally known LEED (Leadership in Energy &Environmental Design) certification, but this new faculty building aims to go a step further in energy efficient issues. NEED4B will take advantage of the big impact that this demonstration case will have on students that will attend classes at it, making them more conscious and knowledgeable about green buildings and environment. Another important issue is that energy efficiency will be monitored and studied by students very closely. This will be a big opportunity for their education, as they will learn about real performance of an energy efficient building in first person. The Turkish Demosite takes part in the “Zero Istanbul 2050” initiative. This initiative is coordinated by Özyegin University and will increase the visibility of the demosite and facilitate the spread of NEED4B results. Contact ARK
Tags: Çekmeköy Campus, Turkey Category: University |