ArchShowcase Sumit Singhal
Sumit Singhal loves modern architecture. He comes from a family of builders who have built more than 20 projects in the last ten years near Delhi in India. He has recently started writing about the architectural projects that catch his imagination. Apartment EG in Como, Italy by LOPES BRENNA ARCHITETTIFebruary 1st, 2015 by Sumit Singhal
Article source: LOPES BRENNA ARCHITETTI The project concerns the renovation of an apartment in a residential building of the early ‘900. The research draws upon reaching the maximum spatial possibilities through a process of subtraction in order to achieve the essential of the buildings construction system.
The load-bearing walls became the main elements through which the space defines and organizes itself. The dividing walls are placed following this tracking and together with the load-bearing walls form clear, defined and different spaces among them. The square space of the living room is the heart of the house from where you can reach the other premises. The two spaces of the kitchen and dining-room together with the living room reveals a circular path through two different openings in the load-bearing wall, that allows you to recognize the scale of the buildings structure. From the living you can access to other areas according to the spatial sequence drawn from the windows along the facade. The bathrooms are designed as two different spatial conditions. One ‘white’, where the light enters laterally by two openings and draw different spaces. One ‘black’ where the light captured by the roof, illuminates the shower space and allows the more ‘internal’ space of the house to relate itself with the sky. Contact LOPES BRENNA ARCHITETTI
Category: Apartments |