Article source: CREUSeCARRASCO arquitectos
This harbour redevelopment project, developed in conjunction with the Port Authority, is primarily focused on zones where public space can be created. The harbour was analysed as a place for interrelations and shelter, with the appeal of its fishing industry and its views; a unique location that makes its presence felt in the town with ramps, stairs and balconies. The linear nature of the horseshoe-shaped harbour is exploited to the utmost with a promenade, accessible at an intermediate level that runs along the cliff, resting on outcrops and wall tops which inhabit it in a sense.
- Architect: CREUSeCARRASCO arquitectos
- Name of Project: Malpica Harbour
- Location: Malpica port, A Coruña, Spain
- Project + Work Directors: Juan Creus and Covadonga Carrasco
- Collaborators: Francisco Rosell, Felipe Riola, Roi Feijoo, Belén Salgado, Alexandre Antunes, Bárbara Mesquita, Laura Coladas
- Photographer: ©CREUSeCARRASCO arquitectos + ©Xoan Piñón