The Freedom of The Press Monument, about to be built on the Monumental Axis in Brasília, has won one of the world’s most prestigious awards in Architecture. Our project was the winner of the World Architecture Festival Award 2014, in the category Culture – Future Projects, running against nine other international works. The announcement took place on Wednesday, October 1st, during an event that gathered professionals from over 50 countries in Singapore. The WAF award has only been given to three Brazilian Architecture offices before. We accept this accolade with great joy, a renewed enthusiasm and deep gratitude to our partners, friends and our team, all of whom made this achievement possible.
ARCHITECTS: Alexandre Bragança, Alice Leite Flores, Augustin de Tugny, Carolina Castro, Catarina Hermanny, Fernanda Tolentino, Fernando Arruda Guillen, Fernando Artigas, Gabriel de Souza, Henrique Neves, Isadora Dawson, Laura Penna, Michelle Moura, Naiara Costa, Norberto Bambozzi, Oded Stahl, Patrícia Gonçalves, Raquel de Resende
TRAINEES: Alessandra Valadares, Andressa Duarte, Carolina Soares, Daniel Gomes, Eduardo Magalhães, Ivan Rimsa Jordana Faria, Leticia Lanza, Luiza Martini, Paula Sallum, Paulo Menicucci, Priscila Dias de Araújo, Roberta Vasconcellos
MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING: Isabela Tolentino, Rísia Botrel, Taimara Silva
A trompe-l’oeil (French for «deceive the eye») is by definition a technique which tries to deceive the eye by means of the architectural surrounding environment, the perspective, the shading, and other optical illusions, creating an “intensified reality” or a “substitution of the reality”.
TEDA (Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area) is a gateway opening to the outside world, located at the heartland of the Bohai Economic Rim, in the core area of Tianjin Binhai New Area. As one of the first national bases for China’s advanced industrial and financial reform and innovation, the landmark monument aimed to represent the importance of TEDA´s 30 years of existence, as a liveable ecological environment and a prosperous and harmonious platform of China’s new economy.
Overall composition is geometric grid imposed in on the plot. In places where it is necessary it generates a pavement of square concrete tiles, throughout which low grass is growing. On places of burial mesh forms a major compositional element – concrete vertical bars with silhouette and proportions look like silent humans crowd. Despite the visual feeling of accessibility it is impossible to walk between bars because on the external circuit they are placed rather tightly. Other objects – pavilion, memorial plaques etc. are also made in modular grid. It is assumed that other burial places will be designed with same approach, because it is flexible for any kind of relief, locations of the trees, buildings and geometric shapes of the plots. In this particular project Bakhiv plot is designed.