Space also has a narrative rhythm, and music is leading this rhythm. The exciting point of creation is the seventh symphony in A major. It is powerful and strikes the soul.
There are four parts to combine this space: the wall, the arch, the sloping house, and the long desk.
This project is not just a school, but a thriving eco system where work and education flow with different stages of learning and life.
Housing a nursery, primary school, an adult education facility, and an investment company, B Campus aspires to be a learning center for all ages and stations of life. The investment firm driving the project sees personal progress as the key to a global progress.
Cultural units involve a center of urban creation and experimental economies, based on the transformation of a vandalized construction.
The intervention proposes to confront the need for collective spaces, as a result of the evidence of huge gaps and precarious structures, common in the center of the city. Betting to occupy a building violated during street protests, for its rescue as cultural infrastructure, articulating a series of initiatives driven by groups of artists and local communities.
Zaha Hadid Architects has been selected by the jury of the international design competition to build the new Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Concert Hall in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Considered the capital of the Urals, the city of Yekaterinburg is Russia’s third largest economy. Its population has increased by over 10% in the past decade to 1.5 million and continues to grow as the primary hub and meeting point connecting east and west, Europe and Asia; attracting the many cultures, talents and industries from across Eurasia.
Yekaterinburg has built a rich musical tradition and established its reputation as a cultural and artistic centre. The city’s acclaimed Ural Philharmonic Orchestra has performed in more than 20 countries and collaborates with renowned artists worldwide. The orchestra cultivates aspiring young talent and has as its foundation a dedicated, passionate and growing society of music lovers in Yekaterinburg and around the world.
The Voxman Music Building celebrates musical performance at every turn, embracing a collaborative and exploratory student-driven model of education that treats every space as performance space. The building shares this sense of musical discovery with the community through a transparent expression. The pattern of streets and open spaces in the mixed-use district of Iowa City extends directly into the building’s multi-level interior spaces, cultivating a sense of vertical urban vitality and acknowledging its place within the community.
Project: Voxman Music Building at the University of Iowa
Location: Iowa, Iowa City, USA
Photography: Tim Griffith, Arturo Rojas, Wayne Johnson, Adam Hunter
Client: University of Iowa
LMN Architects Project Team Design Architect + Interior Designer: Mark Reddington, FAIA, (Design Partner); Sam Miller, AIA (Partner in Charge); Stephen Van Dyck, AIA (Project Designer); Wendy Pautz, AIA (Programming); Scott Crawford, Assoc. AIA, Steve DelFraino, AIA, Thomas Gerard, Alexander Harner, Jessica Harner, Erick Katzenstein, Julia Khorsand, Winnie Lam, John Mrozek, Assoc. AIA, Erik Perka, Assoc. AIA, Mary Anne Smith, AIA, Andrea Stewart, Alex Woodhouse (Project Team)
Associate Architect: Neumann Monson Architects – Kevin Monson, AIA (Principal in Charge), Chris DeGroot, AIA (Principal), Josh Rechkemmer, AIA (Project Manager), Jesus Chucho Loria, AIA, Andrew Mixdorf, Assoc. AIA, Brad Nowasell, AIA, John Phung, AIA, Alese Van Holland (Project Team)
Set in the orthonormal organisation of the town of Mons-en-Barœul, the cultural centre pivots, the better to look at the town hall. The building gains in autonomy and becomes an urban landmark. It contains three music studios, one 500‑seat modular auditorium, a bar, an exhibition gallery, and a large rehearsal room.
The pivoting of the volume of the large rehearsal room creates a large empty space on the inside that connects with the other elements of the project. The geometrical conflict generated by this pivoting is revealed by the triangular shape the empty space creates. In association with the diagonal lines of the staircase, the walls bend in an upward movement.
For many rural communities, the school and its activities are the heartbeat of the community. The significance of this relationship is amplified for this high school which is located in the largest geographic school district in Iowa (555 square miles). With the addition of new administrative, recreation, and music spaces, this project strengthens the relationship between the school and its community.
Newsam Construction and MXMA Architecture & Design are proud to announce the rebirth of the former RCA Victor Studio in the St-Henri district, in Montreal. La Hacienda Creative, a leading Canadian sound creation studio, becomes the new tenant of the emblematic 5,000 sq. ft. (465 m²) space. In breathing new life into the building, Paul Schapira, head of Newsam Construction, and Maxime Moreau, founding architect of MXMA Architecture & Design, have succeeded in paying homage to its historic past, while envisioning a vibrant future.
A recently completed luxury home in BA’s upscale Cañuelas suburb, reflects the advantages of engaging a single creative entity to develop the entire unified interior design for a new family home. As co-partners in WSDG -Walters-Storyk Design Group, a leading international architectural, acoustics and system design firm, Silvia and Sergio Molho benefit from years of experience in developing high-end professional audio video production studios and home theaters. As friends of the client, they had the additional advantage of deep insights into the homeowners’ aesthetic tastes.
This Contemporary Music Centre (SMAC) is a musical complex consisting of two auditoriums of very different kinds and recording studios, linked by a public space called the deck, running from one side of the building to the other. It is designed on the principle that, instead of being mere consumers of entertainment, people can construct their own evening by moving from one place to the other.