Fraser Brown MacKenna Architects have submitted a planning application for an exciting residential project for Bellway Homes in Surrey.
The proposed development on Wey Corner to the north of Guildford town centre will replace an industrial unit to provide 56 high quality new homes across a 0.38 ha site. Nineteen homes will be affordable apartments with thirty seven provided for open market sale.
First built in the 1970’s the apartment was cramped by contemporary standards, even for Tokyo, with low ceilings and short and narrow rooms. After stripping the space down to a single room, the design takes a hint from the overlapping spaces in the city and is composed from three simple shapes. A grey wood box houses the laundry, a concrete box contains the bath and sink, while an S shaped partition forms a closet and space for the fridge. The updated space is simple but comfortable and connects to the city perfectly.
The old cellar where we developed this project, funded by the European Union, belongs to a landmark building called “Casa de la Tercia”, constructed in the 7th century and located in the small town of Cehegín in Murcia´s hilly interior.
The cellar is located on the semi basement of the building.
Owner: EXCMO. AYUNTAMIENTO DE CEHEGÍN, MURCIA-(Cehegín City Hall- Project financed by Funds FEADER, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia y Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Cehegín.)
Public buildings, among them theaters, were traditionally built in city centers, adjacent to government and religion buildings. Along history, theaters carried a symbolic role, a place of cultural and architectural values, a demonstration of technology and innovation.
Casa SE was built in a traditionally residential quarter located in the western parts of Guadalajara. It was commissioned as a permanent home for a family of 4 adults. The primordial drive behind the project was to create comfortable spaces and to allow them to establish their own dialogue with the outside through a series of private terraces. The program is accommodated in two levels, with the first floor encompassing the public areas of the house, and the second floor containing the dormitories and various terraces. The prevalence of windows throughout the envelope allows a great deal of daylight to flood the interiors.
The project was completed in late 2015 and is the final phase of the transformation of industrial units to studio spaces in South London for a sculptor and artist Sir Anish Kapoor.
This project explores the different possibilities and repercussions of developing a new space, which in this case is an architectural device that not only takes care of a need – a workshop for an architecture student – but also modifies the image of a space with little architectural interest: the roof of a service-bedroom.
The house has been designed as a big white box in which, diverse vertical cuts has been applied forming a general view of texture. The white box sits over a concrete exposed structure, that helps hide the windows of the different rooms of the basement.
The Russas Advanced Campus of the Federal University of Ceará is part of a larger plan to take public University to the interior of Brazil, democratizing opportunities. The first stage consists of three structural units: the portico access, the connecting walkway and the administrative and teaching building. The design was thought to facilitate future expansions and design each unit according to their specific function, also seeking to give unity to the group, either through building elements and materials used, or through the appreciation of the free shaded areas without a defined use, also present throughout the buildings. The understanding that the exchange of knowledge occurs also in these meeting spaces has motivated the creation of it.