The goal of the Flussbad project is the permanent transformation of a 1.5-km stretch of river in Berlin’s historic center that has gone unused for more than 100 years.
The lower section of the course of the river, currently channeled as a canal, will be made into a space accessible to the public via two broad shoreline stairways at the Lustgarten and the Schlossplatz. The design alterations in this sensitive city-planning area, part of which belongs to the “Museum Island”, a UNESCO world cultural heritage site, are restricted to a minimum.
Perspective (Images Courtesy realities:united, studio for art and architecture)
The location of the Sport Complex and Swimming Center in La Florida, Vigo, was a challenge because it was in a empty space of a built block, with a very high slope. So, the superior level stayed and the building was constructed below this level and it develops the functional program semi-buried. Therefore, on top of the building, was projected a public square and the slope of the terrain.
Images Courtesy of Héctor Santos-Díez
The pool and spa complex is connected to the existing hotel via a communication axis comprising various public spaces, which leads along the new pools to the future hotel at the west edge of the site. On the south of the axis, the swimming pool hall contains indoor pools and adjoining saunas, the outdoor pools with the restaurant are located on the north side. Upper floor houses various healthcare and wellness programs.
The architecture office heri & salli from Vienna conceived a steel structure similar to a cocoon round a swimming pool in the garden of a private builder-owner in Austria. With mounted panels and interior constructions which are more or less depending on their function the parametric organized spatial element describes possibilities of a usable and experienceable surface.
When designing the new family bath in Gröbming the entire environment in terms of topography, sun history, perspectives, and existing buildings were analyzed.
The existing pool area is located on a hillside and has great visual links to the surrounding mountain peaks. To optimally exploit this situation and capture the sun’s rays, the sloping terrain will be completed by the placement of the building. The building blends seamlessly with the existing buildings and was provided with apitched roof. The arrangement of the swimming pool was also planned in relation to topography. Theslope shifted broad slide and the 3-meter-high diving platform developed from the ground.
This project is bound up with the reunification of the two Germany. It was related to the wish of a city, Berlin, then about to become the capital, to be nominated for the Olympic Games in the year 2000. From the first, there was a conjunction of the political ambitions of the Berlin Senate, an extremely strong desire for the redeployment and linking together of the two parts of the city, and a unifying project, the Olympic project, that enabled the planners to develop not only the setting up of a certain number of sporting facilities, but also a certain number of networks to serve these sporting facilities.
Article source:Family and PlayLab in collaboration with Arup
+ Pool is the collaborative initiative of design studios Family and PlayLab to build a floating pool for everyone in the rivers of New York City. The project was launched with the ambition to improve the use of the city’s natural resources by providing a clean and safe way for the public to swim in New York’s waters. As both a public amenity and an ecological prototype, + Pool is a small but exciting precedent for environmental urbanism in the 21st Century.
+ Pool
Architect:Family and PlayLab in collaboration with Arup
We wished a fine approach of the site and program leading to the subtle marriage of a contemporary architecture in permanent dialogue with its ambient landscape.
Paul+O Architects have completed a dramatic contemporary brick pool house in the grounds of a Victorian country house in Buckinghamshire. The new 525 sq m building comprises a gym, playroom and a 15-metre swimming pool and features a link corridor to the main house.