AM house is located in Posadas city, Misiones, Argentina.
The surface of the house measures 245m2 covered, with living room with kitchen downstairs and 2 bedroom, 1 suite, 1 wc and laundry with tender upstairs.
This work is the result of a process that began in 2004 with the construction of a summer house in the forest of Mar Azul.It was necessary to intervene in a territory of great scenic beauty, owner of a powerful wild presence that is gradually becoming domesticated due to the proliferation of houses with a formal search from bucolic to picturesque which in nothing refers to that environment or to this present .
About 32 years ago, in a visit to my country and my family, and talking to the recognized architect from Córdoba named Togo Díaz, I knew this corridor on sale that was originally a passage to the centre of the block.
Ciudad Casa de Gobierno is a new city hall for Buenos Aires, housing offices for the Mayor and 1,500 employees. Spanning an entire city block in Parque Patricios, the new building contributes to the revitalisation of the neighbourhood and combines an environmentally efficient design with an innovative, highly flexible internal arrangement of terraced office floors.
The project is located in a quiet residential area which still retains and uses the space of the past. Neighbors gather on the sidewalk, get together by block, living outer space. Our goal is focused on reinterpreting and preserve these kind of use.
Dachas is a housing complex located in Bariloche in a sloped site facing the Nahuel Huapi lake. The word Dachas comes from Russian, meaning country home, log cabin, small rest area in a rural setting. The site is limited in its upper and lower sides by streets hidden in a dense woodland area, a peculiar urban situation, in which the building plays a key role in opening the area and introducing the landscape into the site.
The site is located over a dry hill with little vegetation. When one stands there, we naturally face towards the landscape trying to include both the mountains and Gutierrez Lakes in one view.
The Grün sports complex is organized in an area of 14 hectares.
From access it offers a journey through the existing trees, walking along the recycling of existing building changing rooms, reaches volumes of new buildings in the complex; bar and meeting room.
Article source: NE—AR Nixdorff Etchegorry Architecture Research
The existing summer house was lacking of optimum spatial and functional distribution conditions that could fulfill the needs and the ways that the house was used and experienced: the house was sitting far away from the lake shore neglecting the most privileged views towards the lake and its landscape, while at the same time both neighbor houses at the sides block the vistas towards the lake since their footprints were settled closer to the lake shore. Besides, the interior spaces were characterized by a deep dark dinning/ living area with limited relation to the outside.
The project was designed around a specific design problem: to satisfy functional, aesthetic, and semantic needs.
The house, situated on a 1032 m2 corner lot in the city of Cariló, is lifted above the natural terrain level due to the low height of the terrain and the area’s restrictions on modifying the natural topography. This creates an indirect link -visual rather than functional- between the house and the lot.