Article source: AllesWirdGut
In Kirchberg / Luxembourg AllesWirdGut build an ensemble of two large and two smaller buildings accommodating a total of 110 apartments.
The stretched-out buildings in the Quartier du Parc in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, are situated on the northeastern edge of a development area. The northwestern side is bounded by Konrad Adenauer Boulevard. On the south side, the ensemble opens to Parc Reimerwee. Due to their orientation and different rental systems, the two volumes are seen as “fraternal twins”. Together, they make a strong duo that have certain things in common on the outside, while their interiors are different.
- Architects: AllesWirdGut
- Project: Quartier du Parc, Reimerwee
- Location: Kirchberg, Luxembourg
- Visualization: Michael Sohm
- Client: Sociéte Nationale des Habitations à Bon Marché (SNHBM), Luxembourg + Fonds Kirchberg
- Team Competition: Felix Reiner, Karel Bartos, Laurenz Batka, Ria Roberg
- Team Execution: Baptiste Quételart, Felix Reiner, Florian Gottler, Jessica Wannhoff, Luca Melchiori
- GFA: 12.384 m²
- Competition: 10/2015