In this corner house, all floors are interconnected in a continuous flow. The house takes maximum advantage of the exceptional views of its rugged, industrial environment. Loft House 1 is the first implementation of a series of durable, wooden loft houses.
Unconventional play object design contest, Dordrecht (Nederland)
The Centre for Visual Arts in Dordrecht In cooperation with the Amsterdam design bureau Carve invited 10 European design firms to develop inventive, resourceful and multi-age friendly playful objects to complete the design for the new public space, the Governeurspleinsquare in the city of Dordrecht. Ecosistema Urbano’s “energy carousel” was one of the winning proposals chosen to be implemented.
The Building is situated in the business park Pettelaarpark. Its location facing the ring road A2, means it is being seen from various angles.
Although a single building was planned on the site, two separate owners joined forced to develop the site. The resulting massing reflects the wishes of the clients to create two independent building, while providing the unity the urban planners envisioned.
In 2010 Zecc Architects was selected through a European tender for the expansion and renovation of the Drents Archive in Assen. Two years later Zecc delivers its first public building: The monument is quite been dusted, completely reorganized and equipped with a brand new entrance at the canal.