Article source: Progettospore
The Cake House is a project for the extension of a twofamiliy house .
1. Analysis and observations:
The existing house is located in a residential area of the town which was bui lt between 1950 and 1970 and is characterized by one or twofamily houses with a garden.
The client’s needs were to increase the living space of 20 per cent, withou t diminishing the garden area.
After a preliminary analysis it was decided to act on the southwest side of t he house that was facing the garden and it could then offer a new view on the tow n.
From the beginning it was clear that one of the main problems would have been t he adjustment to the existing volume of the house because operating on that side of the house would have mean to completely upset the existing balance of it .
- Architects: Progettospore
- Project: Cake House
- Location: Pistoia, Italy