Archive for the ‘BIM’ Category
Friday, January 31st, 2014
The 1st Place Winner from Autodesk’s Excellence in Infrastructure Competition this past fall was HNTB, for the Expansion of Denver International Airport, originally built in 1995. The project was started in 2008-09, and includes 519-room hotel, a rail line from downtown to a hotel, which was part of the original master plan of the airport when it was originally built. The expansion includes the integration of a rail line, new baggage handling system, and the new airport is being prefabbed with a new entry way, security checkpoints, baggage screening – all of that being developed with the hotel.
rendering courtesy of Gensler.
Denver International Airport embodies an “airport city” concept.
“You can see where the rail line comes in and the glass wave shape at the top is the new hotel project,” said Eddy Krygiel, architect at HNTB. “It’s all attaching to the south side of the airport. We moved over 1 million cubic feet of earth in excavation.”
Tags: AEC, Autodesk, BIM, Civil 3D, Denver International Airport, Excellence In Infrastructure, facilities management, HNTB, Revit Comments Off on First Place Winner of Autodesk’s Excellence in Infrastructure – Denver International Airport Expansion
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Bryan Williams, segment manager, Field Solutions with the General Contractor Division and construction manager of Trimble Buildings, spoke with AECWeekly about the recently released Trimble Field Points software for construction field layout. This application makes it possible for building construction contractors to create layout points in their CAD models. By matching the digital design on the physical construction site with points created in the field, field layout work can become much more accurate and save time.
Tags: AEC, field solutions, location, Revit, round tripping, Trimble, Trimble Field Points Comments Off on Roundtripping with Trimble Field Points and Revit
Friday, January 24th, 2014
One of the finalists in the Innovation in Building Category in the Be Inspired Awards 2013, was China Communications Construction Construction Limited Southern Headquarters’ project China Shipbuilding NDRI Engineering Co., Ltd.
Tags: AEC, Be Inspired Awards 2013, Bentley Sysetms, BIM, building information modeling, CFD, China Shipbuilding NDRI Engineering Co. Comments Off on First BIM model for China Shipbuilding NDRI Engineering Co., Ltd. is towering success
Friday, January 17th, 2014
Eric Carpenter of Rand Secure Data, a division of Rand Worldwide, the parent of IMAGINiT, talked recently at Autodesk University about secure archiving of data and the increased need for AEC solutions in this field. Secure archiving of data has been prevalent in the enterprise of banking and other industries. AEC is now subject to increasingly external regulations, and data must be regulated carefully. Changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) have stressed that proper management of electronically stored information is essential when working with partners and multiple internal departments on a project. The size and special requirements of data such as point cloud data and files related to each other such as occur in a BIM model have to be taken into consideration. In response to this need, Rand Secure Data has released a comprehensive the Data Governance Solution that provides AEC firms with the tools for eDiscovery, email backup and archiving.
“An example is Newforma for point cloud data, it only shares what the users have time to enter. With our Data Governance Solution, it captures all the information and catalogues it. It also compresses data down to a fraction and uses Rand’s Data Center to store it,” said Carpenter.
Tags: AEC. Rand Secure Division, Autodesk, Data Governance, IMAGINiT, Rand Secure Data Comments Off on Rand Secure Data Division offers secure data archiving
Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
In an interview with Ed Mazria, founder of Architecture 2030, we discussed the organization’s new 2030Palette and what brought that technology to fruition. From Architecture 2030 the stats are as follows: For the ninth straight year, projected U.S. Building Sector energy consumption (building operations) and greenhouse gas emissions to the year 2030 have declined.
Tags: 2030Palette, AEC, architecture, Architecture 2030, energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, U.S. Buidling Sector Comments Off on Ed Mazria talks about the new 2030Palette
Thursday, January 9th, 2014
Josh Lowe, senior innovation advisor and Mike Whaley, president of TURIS Systems,spoke at Autodesk University during the session entitled, “BuildX: Construction Site of the Future.” Lowe and Whaley talked about the scanning revolution, or “reality capture” as it is now called. TURIS develops and implements project-specific Building Innovation Systems that utilize a technology-based modular approach for knowledge management. Laser scanning or reality capture has become more accessible, portable and more applicable.
Tags: AEC, architects, architecture, Autodesk, Autodesk University, Autodesk University 2013, building, building design, building information modeling, CAD, construction, engineering, engineers, infrastructure, laser scanning, reality capture Comments Off on Reality capture for building innovation
Tuesday, January 7th, 2014
Last year’s predictions for the year, Top AEC Predictions for 2013 – AECCafe Voice, were somewhat different from this year’s. Although those predictions are still useful to note this year, I am focusing on some product directions and initiatives since there is a continuing, pressing need to address critical infrastructure, fueled largely by climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, and failing infrastructure and economy. Products developed and industries becoming more collaborative all shape the predictions of the year 2014.
Tags: 2030 Challenge, AEC, architecture, Architecture 2030, Autodesk, Bentley Systems, BIM, climate change, Cloud, construction, engineering, Sefaira Comments Off on Top AEC Predictions for 2014 – AECCafe Voice
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
In a session held at Autodesk University 2013, entitled “BuildX: Construction Site of the Future,” the future of building was explored by industry experts.
Senior vice president, Building Information Modeling, Amar Hanspal, said that construction employs the most number of people around the world (with the exception of health care). $7 trillion is tied up in the world of construction.
Iconic buildings are built in much the same way as they have always been built. Examples are the Empire State in 30s the Gherkin recently. They are labor intensive, and involve masses of blueprints. “Over the last 80 years, the jobsite hasn’t changed dramatically,” said Hanspal. “We may talk about design and engineering changing, but the world of construction has more evolution to do.”
He added that the economists bash this industry a bit. “Every industry except construction has increased in productivity in the past fifty years.”
Construction companies are very pragmatic, yet they were the earliest adopters of cell phones, for people on jobsites. All GPS systems and location systems have been used in construction.
How does someone manage complex logistic in construction process?
Hannu Lindberg,Technology Manager, VPR Construction, talked on the topic, “Managing a Construction Supply Chain and Quality.”
“We’re seeing more schedules, and witnessing prefab and modular assemblies, which are becoming critical to projects,” said Lindberg.
This process is required to deliver product much earlier on, but also opens up possibilities to track these components much earlier on in the supply chain process.
Lindberg said “Lightspeed is too slow. We’ll have to go to right to ludicruous speed. We’re beginning to fabricate more products off site in order to make lead times. We want to install building blocks as they arrive onsite.”
Global sourcing materials are becoming global as well. “We have a process in place and have procurement lead time earlier in process. Parts are being brought from various parts of the world, preassembled in the factory, tagged with a barcode, put in storage, then delivered to the site.”
What if we integrated quality process into the process? Asks Lindberg. At the factory level QA inspections? “There is currently no transparency into that process from the perspective of the general contractor. If we build checkpoints for quality throughout the supply chain, starting at manufacturing level, with checking and enforcing this quality, the chances of poor quality showing up on jobsite is significantly lower.”
The system is still primarily paper-based. To improve communications between the subcontractors and the general contractor we can replace paper based systems with mobile, barcode scanners, and all the technology to simplify and improve the process.
Tags: AEC, AU2013, Autodesk University 2013, BIM, BuildX, construction Comments Off on Keeping score on the construction site of the future
Tuesday, December 17th, 2013
In an interview with president of Trelligence, Larry Ciscon, Ph. D., he talked about Affinity 8.1, their Autodesk partnership and Revit integration, the available modules, and more.
Affinity Program and Room Dragged and Dropped into Revit Architecture Room (with furnishings) dragged/dropped from Affinity Program Toolbar into Revit floorplan view.
Tags: AEC, Affinity, Affinity 8, ARCHIBUS, Autodesk, Autodesk 360, BIM, Cloud, infrastructure, integrated project delivery, Trelligence Comments Off on Enhanced integration between Affinity 8.1 and Revit and Autodesk 360
Friday, December 13th, 2013
The next generation of a new app from GRAPHISOFT called BIMx is now available in the Apple App Store. The brand new “BIMx Docs” function pack included in the new version provides access to full BIM projects containing the 2D documentation as well as the 3D model. The app’s advanced “Hyper-model” technology allows users to check out BIM projects on their touch screen devices anywhere. People who don’t have BIM training can also use it. This is a tool that can really bring BIM to the construction side of AEC.
[iframe src=’’ width=’524′ height=’296′ FrameBorder=0 Scrolling=no]
Tags: AEC, Archicad, architecture, BIMx, BIMx Docs, construction, engineering, Graphisoft Comments Off on GRAPHISOFT’s new BIMx Docs Available