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Archive for September, 2009

Simulation seen as critical for design and operation of buildings…

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

From a press release issued by Bentley today:

“Drury Crawley, Ph.D., technology development manager, U.S. DOE, said that in the DOE’s energy building research, simulation has proven critical for designing and operating buildings to support decision making. At the same time it:

•Helps design teams and owners focus energy-use reduction efforts;
•Permits assessment of predicted performance with established benchmarks or goals;
•Enables teams to evaluate alternatives.

Dr. Crawley added that the integration of the U.S. DOE’s EnergyPlus – a comprehensive building, envelope, HVAC, lighting, water, site, and renewables simulation program – with commercial software is critical to bringing energy simulation into mainstream workflows.”

Out takes on AutoCAD Plant 3D 2010

Tuesday, September 29th, 2009

“We don’t explicitly have interoperability with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2010 with the other 3D design packages out there, but obviously it supports DWG.”

Additionally, “Navisworks has the ability to bring in the model from the other vendors aggregated into a single 3D representation.”

– Robert Scherer, Autodesk Senior Industry Manager, Industry Process & Power

Uptake in BIM use reported

Monday, September 28th, 2009

“A new report found that nearly 50% of construction firms are using building information modeling tools. That’s an increase of 75% from last year, according to the McGraw-Hill Construction report. Benefits of BIM include increased productivity and profitability, observers say. However, they also note that, at this point, BIM has a limited impact on green building processes.” Environmental Leader (09/23)

-ASCE Smartbrief (09.25.09)

Check out the National BIM Standard

Monday, September 28th, 2009

“The NBIMS Committee (the National Building Information Model Standard Project Committee), is a project of the National Institute for Building Sciences (NIBS) buildingSMARTalliance™. Originally chartered in 2005 under the Facility Information Council (FIC) the NBIMS Committee was re-chartered as an Alliance project in 2008 in order to consolidate missions and streamline services. From 1992 to 2008 the FIC mission was to “improve the performance of facilities over their full life-cycle by fostering common and open standards and an integrated life-cycle information model for the A/E/C & FM industry.” Although FIC was sunsetted in 2008 its mission continues under the governance of the Alliance. The NBIMS Committee continues this tradition by knitting together the broadest and deepest constituency ever assembled for the purpose of establishing and managing through an Industry consensus process a series of open source National standards and guidance for all aspects of Building Information Modeling. The NBIMS Charter (PDF) spells out the Committee’s vision and describes the results NBIMS expects to achieve.”

Tekla announces Windows 7 compatibility Oct. 22

Monday, September 28th, 2009

BIM company Tekla, which has built its software architecture on the Microsoft platform, announced compatibility with Windows 7 which will be launched October 22.

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