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Archive for November, 2010

Low-cost CAD software

Monday, November 8th, 2010

The race is on in the low-cost CAD market – this week three of these CAD software products announced new releases. Two of them have  the option to download and try the product for a limited amount of time.

2.5D DoubleCAD™ XT Pro v3 from IMSI/Design is the newest version of DoubleCAD, an AutoCAD LT clone . It now has a Redway rendering engine to take advantage of GPU-based graphcs cards, and now supports scripting. It sells for $695 and upgrades are $199. You can learn more about this product here

VariCAD 2010 3.0 claims to offer improvements in STEP file import and includes a number of minor improvements.
To update a version of VariCAD or to evaluate a free 30-day trial version, download it here. The current version is 2010 3.02.

ZWCAD Software Co. announced the release of ZWCAD 2011 Beta software with the ZWCAD 2011 Free upgrade program. Download ZWCAD 2011 Beta here

Free downloads

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

A preview standalone version of Bentley’s Generative Components design software no longer requires MicroStation for installation. You can download it at no charge. 

Bentley’s Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) tools -ISM Structural Synchronizer v8i (shared repository of common structural model data) and ISM Structural Dashboard v8i (manages workflows for common project types) are available for free download.


There is also an ISM Revit plug-in v8i for integrating Revit Structure and Architectural models with Structural Synchronizer v8i.

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