The selection of the site for the future dwelling was determined by the proximity to Herastrau Park, which also determined the small size of the lot which is surrounded by undesirable neighboring areas. A direct consequence of these conditions was the vertical development of the spaces (ground floor garage, first floor living quarters, second floor for sleeping area and the third floor for relaxation terrace/ spa to make up for the small and shady yard from the yard level).
The Castlereagh by Tony Owen Partners is a 16 storey apartment building located in the bustling heart of Sydney’s CBD. It contains 55 luxury apartments, retail and office space..
The intervention seeks to redefine the disjointed fragments of the city center, where by the new contributions to be incorporated in the future, is promoted to greater socialization, where public space acted as a landscape of events, meetings and exchanges.
Setting benchmarks worldwide for engineering education, The Bergeron Centre for Engineering Excellence re-thinks campus hierarchy to foster modern ways of learning. Resulting from an intensive design process between ZAS Architects, The Lassonde School of Engineering, and York University, the world-class facility challenges past models with a modern approach rooted in student learning and empowerment.
Solar Chapel at the HoldenManz Wine Estate, Franschhoek, Cape Town. The project utilizes the same solar panel technology used on the farm to clad the expanding wedding chapel’s roof structure. The vertiginous mountains within the estate are reflected in the beton brut primary structure off which the concentrator Fresnel lenses, solar panels and holographic filters are suspended. The concentrator photovoltaics arrangement uses an angular configuration similar to that of a butterfly’s wing receiving more exposure to solar rays affording maximum efficiency for electrical output. The frame expands and contracts enabling a further rearrangement of this concentrator photovoltaic cluster.
AA House is located in a neighborhood of villas in Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires. Its position in the lot guarantees the best solar incidence range on the north side, on which all the main rooms of the house are laid out. On the other hand, it provides a form of processional visual approach to its visitors.
The PANO Penthouse is at the 53th – 55th floor of a high-end residential tower in Bangkok which is the fourth highest apartment in Thailand. AAd (Ayutt and Associates design) designed this penthouse under the concept of “living between the city and the nature” offers a modern lifestyle with luxury and relaxation with panoramic views towards the historic Chao Phraya River. The Penthouse was specially developed for a single family in need of a place to combine privacy with socializing living space.
An exploration into the realm of nature and the man-made environment. A permanent duality in the relationship between man and his environment in order to adapt and find shelter.
Café Murasaki initiated by the client’s proposal, which planed to renovate a pair of row houses to be the café. In the beginning, the functions are not specific. Then, the first idea started from a loca-on that standing on the suburban area of Bangkok, due to the reason of hard access.
This urban high school is organized into three thematic components: body, mind and spirit, that relate to the various programs and activities within the school that compose the curriculum. The site is zoned according to these thematic areas and bars are created, housing the athletics (body), the academy classrooms and teaching spaces (mind), and the library, arts and music (spirit). The bars slide against each other to create outdoor spaces on the site, programmed for specific activities that work in conjunction with the buildings—entry courtyard, athletics fields, and reading garden. The three volumes (body, mind, and spirit) that comprise the school are created by one continuous wall that snakes back and forth through the site.